10G stock list.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 11, 2011
Currently have a 10g nano tank with about 15lbs of cultured live rock. Stock list is as follows...

x3 Blue Leg Hermits
x1 Turbo Snail
x2 Margarite (SP?) Snail
x1 Damselfish (1.5")
x1 Clown Fish (2.5")

The damsel and clown get along but I do plan on getting rid of the damsel as I didn't know they became so aggressive. I'm keeping a pretty close eye on them. I also didn't know the hermits would hassle the snails, so may get rid of the margarites... turbo should be fine, right? Hes huge.

I know I'm pretty stocked on fish, if I get rid of the damselfish, what can I add? The clown was in a solitary tank so I don't think he's stressed about being separated. I would love some more inverts, they're so cool..
10g is pretty tight. What kind of lighting/filtration? You may want to look into a neon goby.
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