112 litre tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 14, 2014
How many baby Shubunkin's can I put in my tank?... Then one day once they're bigger they will go into a pond ? Thanks

Sami ????? I ? My ?
112 liter is 29.5873 gallons.

The loose but general rule, is 1 fish for 20 gallons and 10 gallons for each additional fish.

The real issue if you started with 2 little ones, would be if you are excellent at changing water and keeping the schedule and quantity required. Many people get lax with water changes once the newness wears off and their attentions change to other things, and having a tight margin on the tank size for the fish can end up with tank problems.

For keeping Goldfish, the filtration generally needs to be 10 times the tank size 29.5G per hour filter water exchange, so 300g (~1135L) per hour flow, but probably more than that as the actual rate of flow with media which goldy keepers might use reduce the "maximum" flow rates listed on the box, as does the muck build up in the filter media which also reduces flow of gallons per hour.

Clean water is a Goldfish absolute requirement for healthy happy fish. :fish1:
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I think shubunkins belong in ponds. They are a calico color morph of the comet/common. They can grow over a foot

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You could put them into the pond when they are about 4-6 inches. If you had huge fish in the pond already you would maybe wait till they were a little larger. As for the fish they do fine raised in the ponds so they don't have to be a certain size, except the tank size would limit their maximum size good for the tank. I was referring about that they would be moved into a pond when they would get bigger. In no way would one or 2 adult sized Shubunkins be suitable for a 30G tank. Just to clarify. ;)
Then one day once they're bigger they will go into a pond ? Thanks

Yes I plan on transferring them into a pond once they are a little bigger.. (& once I've moved in the new year ) My shubunkin ATM is about 3"
And sadly only in a 19 litre tank.
He's my first ever fish .. My lfs said he'd be fine in there.. ? thankfully I found This site and became a bit fish mad, research every night etc So after realising he needed a bigger tank we got him the 112litre and setting up to get it cycled trying to get all the bits and pieces together so I start cycling the tank.. Was just wondering weather I could add another play mate in with him.. He seems lonely. (They will be moved into a pond )

Many thanks

Sami ????? I ? My ?
I would say yes if you are serious about keeping up with your water quality. Till you have a pond, within the next year they should be fine. There are many opinions... The point is good water quality and having proper room for swimming and growing, these fish can move pretty fast if they want to.
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