12 gal nano

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 20, 2004
Peoria, Az
what are some combinations of fish that i can put in a 12 gal nano reef. The substrate is crushed coral and there is about 13 lbs of lr in it. Any suggestions would be great.
a pair of perc/false perc clowns, or a single clown, royal grammas would be good with them, as well as citron gobies
I asked this same question last week. Obviously a small fish is the way to go.

I think that I am going to add a goby to my 12 gallon, live rock tank.
There are several different kinds out there, but my LFS only stocks the yellow watchman for some reason, so that will be my choice by default.

What are you going to do for lighting?

My tank gets a good deal of sunlight (the tank lives on an covered outdoor porch called a lani here in Hawaii) - and is already growing aglae and has pods, etc., swimming all over the place. I had the good fortune of adding some very live, live rock right away. I can't wait to add the goby.
I would not go more then two fish. Clowns, royal grammas, gobies are nice.
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