125 deep Cichlid setup

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 16, 2012
Let me know what you's think!


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Yeah he has definitely grown at a faster pace!! Luckily I have another tank at my office I use as a refugium/fight stopper. I am currently working on a 150 long for the bedroom that I'm going to stock with Moto rays. If it gets bad he will get moved to the 150 and if that doesn't work sold back to my lfs. I've had my bout with large aggressives, had an alligator gar that lived to 13! Many large Oscar, flower horns as well as snakeheads. I prefer a largely stocked juvie tank but that only lasts so long. Luckily I have a great store that buys back fish so I end up making $$$ in the end.
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