15 Gallon Column Tank Stocking and Scaping

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 27, 2016
I'm helping a friend set up a desktop tank. They're really into tall tanks, like hex tanks, column tanks, and cylinder tanks. Currently it looks like they're going to get a 15 gallon Aqueon column tank kit (filter, heater, lights included).
What are stocking suggestions? Let me know what you think could work.
Species they enjoy include neocaridina shrimp (blue and yellows especially), African Dwarf frogs (though I told them this tank is too tall), mystery snails, and bettas.
My suggested stocking for their tank was a male betta, a mystery snail (they don't want babies so only one), and a bunch of shrimp in a heavily planted tank. I did warn them that the betta might make a snack out of the shrimp or otherwise not get along, but they think if they plant it densely enough it'll work.
Speaking of plants, can I get some ideas/tips for planting the tank?
They want some light brown gravel and branching driftwood. They also want moss and lots of variation of plant heights (tall and short). They don't necessarily want a front and back... they wanted to leave all sides without a background so they can easily be viewed.
(I'm just relaying what they asked for.)
What plants would you recommend? I'm a plant novice (mid light, root tabs, just starting to dose Excel) but willing and eager to learn about scaping. They want really easy plants. They don't want to deal with anything except calling me when it's water change time. I'll be managing this tank for them. But they also want it to look awesome and I want to help them make it all they hope for.
So for the most success in a 15 column, I would do layered fish. Top level, mid level and bottom level. Each stocked like a five gallon.

As far as planting, java moss is about the most bullet proof for mosses. Then look at water wisteria, anacharis and maybe some moneywort. Just some off the cuff.

If they were advanced keepers we could have some real fun. LOL. You could still do some interesting fish though... instead of a betta, maybe a trio of Fundulopanchax walkeri or Fundulopanchax gardeneri killis? And some ammanos and snails? Could go more creative but make sure they know how to care for what they get.
Thanks for the pointers! Definitely going to do java moss, water wisteria, and java ferns. I was also thinking of:
Cryptocoryne lutea
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Cryptocoryne lucens
Vallisneria Spiralis
Crinum thaianum
Rotala rotundifolia
Hygrophila polysperma
My research indicates they're all pretty easy plants... is there anything I'm missing? Would I need to upgrade or replace the lighting that comes with a 15 gallon column kit?
For stocking they're pretty set on a betta at this point, and they also want some neocaridina shrimp.

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