180-Gallon Upgrade Starts NOW!!!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I forgot to add this picture into the mix, I picked up this pink pocillopora a couple weeks back too.


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Tank update, I don't know what the heck happened because I have been good about putting new fish into QT first. However, I have an ich outbreak in my new tank. My Blue Hippo Tang is the main fish showing it. I am in the process of cycling a new QT tank and as soon as it is ready I have decided to put the fish into the QT to start the dreaded hyposalinity treatment. I will leave the 180-gallon fallow for at least 9-weeks until the ich dies off. The only thing I can think of in regards to where the ich came from is possibly my partial water change water. I purchase the "Catalina Saltwater" from one of my LFS. I doubt they would do this but it crossed my mind that with the bad economy maybe some fish stores are taking the water from their pwc and putting it into the water they sell??? I dont know, probably unlikely, but regardless after they hyposalinity I will be making my own saltwater from then on.
On a positive note, at least I can continue to work on my reef
This morning I found that one of my Maxi-Jet Mods had failed and the powerhead was pointing at an angle downwards, which messed up my sand. I think it is going to be powerhead upgrade time soon. I am debating over the Vortech MP-40W Gen2 or the Tunze with multicontroller. I think it it is the tunze turbelle 6205 with the 7095 controller. As for now I am leaning towrads the Vortechs. Has anybody out there looked into these powerheads? What do you prefer out of the two?
I've seen what it can do in person. They are awesome pumps and they use little power. The flow range is amazing and all heat is on the outside of the tank. Plus no electricity in the tank.
I bought the Vortech Powerhead on Sunday. No more dealing with a Modded Maxi-Jet which the mechanism fails causing the powerhead to point towards the ground and blow the sand everywhere!
It is awesome how you can program this vortech to do so many different things! This has turned into quite an expensive "hobby."


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I bought the Vortech Powerhead on Sunday. No more dealing with a Modded Maxi-Jet which the mechanism fails causing the powerhead to point towards the ground and blow the sand everywhere!
It is awesome how you can program this vortech to do so many different things! This has turned into quite an expensive "hobby."

haha yes, very expensive hobby :p I would love to get vortech's. But the MP10 is still $200 which is really high in my opinion. However I'm debating.

Sorry to hear about your ICH breakout. :(
IMO it would seem as though the only POSSIBLE sourse of the ich could be the PURCHASE water.Our lfs dose'nt sell pre-made water....thank God!!Not that I'd buy it any how.
Sorry for your difficulties.-
Nice pick up!

Thanks! Here are some more pick ups I got yesterday.
Rainbow Stylophora...yellow body, pink tips and baby blue polyps
Pinkish Millipora
Acropora... white body I don't know what kind of acro?????


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I am really liking the stylo!

I have a similar milli and I have an acro that looks a little like that though I don't know what it is called either.
I am really liking the stylo!

I have a similar milli and I have an acro that looks a little like that though I don't know what it is called either.

Thanks. I am really liking the stylo too, it is my favorite of the new ones. I can't wait for it to grow out.
Here is a piece which I picked up last Saturday from Vivid Aquariums. They called it an Acropora Gomezi. I was looking for something Blue. I have been going crazy buying frags lately. I have decided to start being more selective and wait a little longer in between purchases and then spend a little more to get the more rare stuff of the "LE" stuff. I think my next piece after this will be a Tyree Pink Lemonade Acro
this is awesome. i wish i had the kind of money to do something like this...
Thanks everyone! I am due to post a full tank shot and I will get around to doing that. Just to warn you it is pretty much a 180-gallon frag tank at this point in the game.
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