Aquarium Advice Addict
Happy new year all
In cleaning out my garage recently, I found a 2.7G tank containing a yukky rock, an UG filter, useless white substrate and spiders. I had totally forgotten I had it, and I don't even remember where it came from. It even has an old 8W AquaGlo plant light. So I threw out all the garbage out and cleaned up the tank and the light. It has been sitting upstairs in my study while I contemplate what to do with it.
Yesterday I happened to be in an LFS not looking for anything particular when I ran across a HOB filter perfectly-sized for the tank. So I bought it, plus a 25w heater.
I've decided on a shrimp tank. There are some beautiful red cherry shrimp around here at the moment.
Q on substrate: What substrate is best for shrimp?
Q on lighting: I do not want to implement a CO2 system. That said, what is my wattage limit. And what plants can I grow? Obviously with the tank being this small, the WPG rule goes out the window.
In cleaning out my garage recently, I found a 2.7G tank containing a yukky rock, an UG filter, useless white substrate and spiders. I had totally forgotten I had it, and I don't even remember where it came from. It even has an old 8W AquaGlo plant light. So I threw out all the garbage out and cleaned up the tank and the light. It has been sitting upstairs in my study while I contemplate what to do with it.
Yesterday I happened to be in an LFS not looking for anything particular when I ran across a HOB filter perfectly-sized for the tank. So I bought it, plus a 25w heater.
I've decided on a shrimp tank. There are some beautiful red cherry shrimp around here at the moment.
Q on substrate: What substrate is best for shrimp?
Q on lighting: I do not want to implement a CO2 system. That said, what is my wattage limit. And what plants can I grow? Obviously with the tank being this small, the WPG rule goes out the window.