2 Gouramis, a broccoli stalk and 2 days.....

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They have been playing tank soccer with it all afternoon! It's been all over the tank!
That is so very cool.

Did you just use regular every day grocery store broccoli? Have to do anything special with it other than wash it off? Maybe that would keep our fish from eating the plants. lol
Who would have thought gouramis like broccoli? 8O 8O 8O

How are your ancistrus doing? I saw mine on the broccoli for the first time this morning. At least they are eating it - for awhile, it appeared that I was just feeding the pesky snails. :roll:

Also, did the broccoli make your tank smell like... broccoli? It's certainly not a pleasant-smelling veggie, is it!
I dropped a piece of broccoli in the tank a couple days ago. The betta grabbed it on the way down and promptly spit it back out. Ptew! Yeah, that's how I feel about broccoli, too.

I don't know if the otos are eating it, but it is moving around the tank so maybe they're just playing with it. :wink:

tsaraber, nuke a piece of the stalk for about 30 seconds, let it cool off, then toss it in.
My ancistrus are doing great! Still cleaning the walls of my tank...stopping for a nice piece of driftwood now and again...they didn't have a chance with the broccoli, but I never did see them interested. Guess my tank had more algae than I thought~ 8O

I put a piece in my tank at work for my otto. The betta didn't go after it at all, but the otto was snacking for a bit.
QT, try a yo-yo loach in there if you have pesky snails...they won't stay pesky very long...:)

My red honey gourami also likes to eat broccoli, as well as my ottos. I blanch the stalk and use one of those clips to hang it on the tank wall and eventually they find it. It took at least a day before I noticed that it was being eaten.

I didn't notice any odours to my tank while it was in there, but after taking it out it had one nasty smell. I took it out on the third day.
Blanch, don't nuke....a recent French study showed that microwaving fresh veggies destroys nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants like crazy.
Zuchinni is the veg of choice with my fish. Just wash well and slice 1/2 in thick wafers. They float while intact.When only rind is left, they sink. Pull them out along with the snails on them. I have groumis, mollies, angels plus assorted barbs and tetras, they all eat the squash. My plecostomus will get on a wafer and get caught in the current. He spins in circles but hangs on. It won't make your tank smell like dirty sox either. :wink:
Think I will try it with my African cichlids today.
Weirdly, my son likes Broccoli straight from the bag frozen.
Weird broccoli fact: it was first imported by the producer of the James Bond film's father.
I find it best to rubberband veggies to a rock or clip them to the side of the tank, that way they can get a good bite without having it float off.
Menagerie said:
I find it best to rubberband veggies to a rock or clip them to the side of the tank, that way they can get a good bite without having it float off.

Takes all the sport out of it, doncha think? Jeff
cool shot Imw80, I keep forgetting to get me some broccoli from the store to see how well my fish like it.. I've tried cucumber and banana so far; the plecos love the cucumber and everyone loves the bananas except for the neons. Bananas like to float so poke a couple of plant lead weights in it.

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