20 Gallon Tall Stocking???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 29, 2013
I just started up my 20 gallon aquarium and its time for fish!!! I have all the things I need for it to be successful. My water is crystal clear, strong filter, and heater.
The type of fish Im going for are high, mid, and low swimmers and all. I would like colorful fish, that will stand out. I CAN CARELESS ABOUT LIVE BEARERS(PLATYS GUPPY MOLLY) I've had them all my life. I was thinking about like Gourami, or maybe Barbs?

Whats your opinion? :popcorn: :fish2:
I just started up my 20 gallon aquarium and its time for fish!!! I have all the things I need for it to be successful. My water is crystal clear, strong filter, and heater.
The type of fish Im going for are high, mid, and low swimmers and all. I would like colorful fish, that will stand out. I CAN CARELESS ABOUT LIVE BEARERS(PLATYS GUPPY MOLLY) I've had them all my life. I was thinking about like Gourami, or maybe Barbs?

Whats your opinion? :popcorn: :fish2:

I am just rounding out my 20 tall with cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras, german blue ram, powder blue gourami, Oto, and ghost shrimp.

There is a lot of activity!!

My next project will be tiger barbs, they seem pretty cool.
I am just rounding out my 20 tall with cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras, german blue ram, powder blue gourami, Oto, and ghost shrimp.

There is a lot of activity!!

My next project will be tiger barbs, they seem pretty cool.

Thats is a really good stocking!!! :fish2:
Black Neon Tetras are a good mid/upper strata fish. They're larger and much hardier than standard Neons (and don't look much like them, actually). Harlequin Rasboras are also good mid/upper fish.

Cardinal Tetras a good mid-level fish and are very colorful. They also need a semi-mature tank (wait a month or two after adding your first fish) and don't like hard water. Glowlight Tetras are much hardier and occupy the middle/bottom of the tank. Ditto for Cherry Barbs.

As for bottom-dwellers in a tank that size, I'd recommend Sterbai Corys (hardier and more temperature-flexible than most corys) or Kuhli Loaches.
Black Neon Tetras are a good mid/upper strata fish. They're larger and much hardier than standard Neons (and don't look much like them, actually). Harlequin Rasboras are also good mid/upper fish.

Cardinal Tetras a good mid-level fish and are very colorful. They also need a semi-mature tank (wait a month or two after adding your first fish) and don't like hard water. Glowlight Tetras are much hardier and occupy the middle/bottom of the tank. Ditto for Cherry Barbs.

As for bottom-dwellers in a tank that size, I'd recommend Sterbai Corys (hardier and more temperature-flexible than most corys) or Kuhli Loaches.

Thanks :fish2:
Just wondering if you have cycled yet with the fishless cycle, or are you doing a fish in cycle. I did a fish in cycle on my 20g high. Started with 2 cherry barbs, gradually adding more. the original 2 are still with me, and all is well. Just go really slowly with fish additions if you are doing a fish in cycle.
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