29 + 10 planted

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She's not happy with me.

I put the isolation box in their to cover the filter intake siphon because I messed up the screen that had been covering it.
How do I tell the difference between pregnancy and bloat?

I don't know of a way to tell offhand, but it may be she's having trouble giving birth. "Michael's Fish Room" on YouTube breeds guppies and I recall him saying that sometimes female guppies dies in childbirth. I assume some develop difficulties with actually releasing the fry. ( :confused: )
I don't know of a way to tell offhand, but it may be she's having trouble giving birth. "Michael's Fish Room" on YouTube breeds guppies and I recall him saying that sometimes female guppies dies in childbirth. I assume some develop difficulties with actually releasing the fry. ( :confused: )
Poor guppy.

Sunny had trouble giving birth for a couple of months. Three months in a row, she would breath heavily and it looked like she was straining. The third month, I took her out and put a tiny amount of lidocaine on her vent. The next day there were a bunch of tiny bead looking things, and then the month after that she dropped 13 fry.

This guppy, Anna, doesn't seem to be in distress. She just spent two days pooping so much white tape looking stuff that I'm not even sure where it all came from. She also seems to be more busty than other pregnant guppies I've seen.

She isn't moving around a lot and is hiding where she can, which seems pretty reasonable given that she is all alone in a tank with only a tiny bit of decor. I also haven't fed her since I moved her. I'm okay with it if she eats her fry, but I don't want to feed any parasites.
I have no scientific backing for this but I think female guppies don't do well being separated from males once they've gotten pregnant. She kept getting bigger but not dropping (for four months!), which is why her body is so oddly shaped now.
I'm thinking when I start rebuilding, I'll do a raised level on the 29 gallon. Penn-Plax makes a shelf type thing, but I was thinking of building something like a terraced cave. I would want it to be big enough to cover the heater, and either deep enough to comfortably get the gravel vacuum in there or with a bottom curved enough that I wouldn't need to. It's giving me hope moving forward.*
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