29 gallon trouble - please help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 20, 2005
Coeur D Alene, Idaho
I had a gourami die a week ago and after he died I washed out my aqua clear 50 media and the carbon insert with tap water. Probably a mistake. Ever since my tank has been very cloudy. I cannot even see through the other side of the tank. I have drift wood in there that has been in the for 3 to 4 months now. Could this drift wood all of a sudden be causing this? I picked it up off the shoreline and cleaned it before I put it in. I have never had this problem with this tank. I have changed the water 50% 2 times and 20% atleast once all in the last week. 2 days ago I put in a new media and carbon filter with 50% pwc and it still seems to be getting worse. I am afraid if I do more water changes my cycled water will just become tap water. I have checked the water with my AP test kit and the only thing that was out of norm was the PH and it was at 7 to 7.2....but now it's back to around 6.8. 6.8 is my tap PH level. My tank looks pathetic, though the fish look alright. What can I do to fix this? Any ideas? The water is a yellowish green when it's in a white 5 gallon bucket.
It might be an algae bloom, try keeping the lights off for an extra bit. It should clean up by itself in a few days if that is the case.
(Edited) - Yellowish-green? Sounds like tannins from the driftwood and maybe some algae bloom. Take driftwood out and boil it for 5-10 minutes, let it cool off, and put back in. When you change the water, are you using dechlorinator? It won't become tap water unless you aren't treating the new water.
The tannins from the driftwood will also be what's lowering your ph some. But 6.8-7.2 is a good area for the ph, I wouldn't worry about that at all. Best thing to do is just boil the driftwood, and use carbon in your filter til it gets to the point where the driftwood is no longer releasing tannins. Could be weeks, months, years. But keeping new carbon in the system will help with the tannins after boiling it.
The algae boom makes sense. The driftwood was cleaned and boiled before I put it into the tank. It has never released tannins. The driftwood does have some algae on it, and I have a 7 inch pleco in there along with many snails. I have the lights off on the tank right now. They are on a set timer and are on from 7 am to 10 pm.

ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 2.5

I use Stress Coat after each water change
I use just a regular florescent bulb
Looks like you are well cycled. The driftwood I would say is beginning to release tannins again. That's probably the culprit for the yellowish color of the water. My water looks clear, but when I put it in a white cup, it's slightly yellowish still, and my driftwood has been in my tank almost a year now. And I no longer run carbon either, as the tannin release is tapering off enough where I no longer need it. I only soaked my driftwood, didn't boil it. Soaked for 3 weeks, then added to aquarium.
Welcome to AA, earthworms! :smilecolros:

Washing out the filter with tap water could have killed off some of the biofilter and caused a bacterial bloom, but since your ammonia and nitrites are still 0, I don't think this is the case.

Greenish yellow water sounds like a green algae bloom - probably caused by too much phosphate in the water coupled with way too much light. I would cut back a bit on the feeding and keep the light on no more than 8 - 10 hours a day. BTW, what is the total bulb wattage?

The good news is that the algae is harmless to the fish. In fact, it scrubs the water clean by soaking up any available extra nutrients, including nitrates. Too bad green pea soup looks so crappy. :wink:

Keep doing big water changes. You need not worry about messing up your cycle because the good bacteria don't live in the water. Just remember to put in the correct amount of dechlorinator. With patience, the green water will go away.

I had the same exact thing happen to me a month or two ago. I'm not very patient, so I dropped $80 on a Vortex diatom filter from Big Al's, and cleared up the green water in four hours. The tank has been crystal ever since. 8)
Wow you guys are right on with the algae bloom. I turned off the lights for about 1 1/2 days now and it's cleared up A lot!!. I am totally impressed. I am now going to do a good water change and vacuum the gravel good. I am also going to cut back the amount of light. I will change the auto timer for about 9 hours of light. I am not sure of bulb wattage. It's an All Glass hood and original bulb. I never have seen an algae bloom before so now I know what it is and how to prevent it. Thank you for all your help. So one more question..how should I clean the media in the HOB? Rinse it in the water I take out during the pwc?

Thanks again!

This needs to be repeated for emphasis:
You need not worry about messing up your cycle because the good bacteria don't live in the water.

As far as what to do about cleaning your filter media, you are correct: rinse it in tank water that you have taken out. I am pretty sure rich meant "tank water," and not "tap water."

Sorry to hear about the loss of the fish, but the good news is that it appears that the timing was merely coincidence and not an indication of a big problem.
No problem. But if you invite me over for a glass of water next time I'm out in LI, I'll know to decline. Wouldn't want any of that "old tap water." :wink:
Welcome to AA, earthworms. I joined almost a year ago and I cannot tell you how much the fish of the world thank me for that!!!!! I'm now spending a lot more money in equipment and plants and A LOT less money replacing dead fish! And my tanks look great! I promise to post pixs one of these days.

One thing I learned here is that you don't need to clean your filter with every pwc, unless it's so dirty that the water flow is affected. Less work and happier fish.

Good luck and stick around for great results! :lol:
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