30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 29, 2003
Toronto CANADA
I am a frustrated beginner who is attempting to set up my first 30 gal. freshwater community tank. I determined that I wanted a planted tank so I returned the single fluorescent 20 watt bulb in a hood that my LFS sold to me.

In exchange they sold me a very expensive All Glass Aquarium 2 x 55 watt set up for a total of 110 watt. Now I read that with that much light I will need a CO2 system.

This is all a little overwhelming (and expensive!). I really just want a simple beginner set up to learn and have fun - so how much light do I really need for a 30 gal planted and any ideas for equipment would be greatly appreciated!

How much light you need depends on what kinds of plants you want to grow. If you use the 2 X 55 watt setup you now have you're going to be able to grow practically any kind of plant you want (and a lot of plants you don't want --algae).

I'm no planted tank expert by any means....I've got a heavily planted tank but I went the low light/low tech route and stuck with Cryptocoryne, Java Fern (Microsorium sp.), and one big, monstrous Aponogeton ulvaceus as my centerpiece. I use Flourish Tabs under the Aponogeton and in the vicinity of my Cryptocoryne. I add Flourish Excel about once a month and use Kent Botanica Grow a couple of times a week. I have very aggressive growth from all of my plants and the A. ulvaceus is flowering as I type (for the third time in a month).

There are many others on this forum who can give you more enlightened information and suggestions than I can but I simply wanted to let you know that you do have options where aquarium plants are concerned.
Do you have any idea of what plants you want to grow, or will any old plant do? Just asking cause it makes a difference. Some plants require a lot of light, and others not much.
From the frying pan and into the fire. What are the dimensions on your tank? I assume it's 36" long. The light you have will work but you really will need CO2 and at that light level with a 30 gallon tank you would almost need pressurized. I would say you would be better off with a double tube strip light which would give you 2 watts per gallon and allow you to grow a good selection of low light plants.
Not sure about the plants yet - although simple is probably best for a beginner (and hearty too!)
I feel like I have enought to think about choosing equipment and fish, so any simple plant suggestions are welcomed. At this point I am worried that I have gone from too little to too much light.

How much light is enough?
You could pretty much say that. If you stick with plants like Anubias, Crypts, Hygro, Hornwort, Java Fern, Java Moss, Bolbitis, some Aponogetons, and some Ludwigias you will be fine at 2 wpg.
Thanks Rex! Yes the tank is 36 inches long.

Am I correct in assuming that you are suggesting a configuration of 2 x 30 watt fluroscent bulbs in one strip? Also what bulbs do you like? Can you make a brand name suggestion of what I should look for?

Here is a link to a light like I suggested. http://mops.ca/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/cshop/LIPR-32362.html?L+scstore+pnsb9842ff614761+1072933583 I'm not sure what bulbs it comes with though. If you can find the All-Glass brand it has very good plant bulbs in it.
Thanks again Rex!

Does anyone know what the configuration/wattage is for the Perfecto 36'' Black Double Fluorescent Strip Light? Strangely nobody lists what lights you can use???

From what I've read this may be the best set-up for me. Any feedback from happy/unhappy users?
Well the lighting saga continues...

I returned the 110 Watt CF lights and instead picked up a 36" ALL Glass double strip fluroscent light. THe LFS told me that the configuration of the 36" double stip was 30 watts x 2 giving me my needed 2 WPG.

Got home plugged in the lights and noticed that they shipped with 2 x 25 W bulbs. I am at the end of my rope having made 3 trips to the LFS. Should I just live with the 50 W or go and get 2 new 30 W bulbs?

Just can't seem to get the lighting thing perfect???!!!

You should be OK with 50 watts over the 30 gal tank as long as you don't try to grow the high-light kinds of plants. Have you made any decisions yet on what kinds of plants you want??
Well I guess anything that's low light friendly, I remember that you suggested Java Fern and others have also mentioned Crypt and Hornwort... but I guess I have some research to do!

The plants are really more for the well being and protection of the fish so I guess that the type of fish will also impact on the plant selection.

As an interesting aside, the All Glass web site says that their 36" Twin tube fluorescent strip-light comes with two 30 Watt bulbs so I've contacted them (via email) to inquire why I have 2 x 25W.
Well I guess anything that's low light friendly, I remember that you suggested Java Fern and others have also mentioned Crypt and Hornwort... but I guess I have some research to do!

The plants are really more for the well being and protection of the fish so I guess that the type of fish will also impact on the plant selection.

As an interesting aside, the All Glass web site says that their 36" Twin tube fluorescent strip-light comes with two 30 Watt bulbs so I've contacted them (via email) to inquire why I have 2 x 25W.

I'm at about 1.5 watts per gallon at this point - standard aquarium fluorescents...not the special plant-grow bulbs. I do not add CO2 to my tank...but I do add Flourish Excel about once a month and Kent Botanica Grow a couple of times a week. I also supplement the area around my Aponogeton ulvaceus and my Cryptocoryne with Flourish Tabs underneath the gravel. Yes...I do use standard aquarium gravel in my tank without any additional supplements like laeterite.
IMHO using Flourish Excel once a month is a waste of time. You should do a very low dose at least every other day.
Seems to be working pretty well for me to this point. Plants are growing like weeds...Aponogeton ulvaceus is tossing up its fourth flower in as many weeks....Cryptocoryne wendtii is actually tossing up some new plants, Java fern is producing both new fronds and lots of new plantlets from the older fronds. I'll keep a careful watch, however, and up the dose if things seem to falter.
I use excel but I only dose it after a water change. Is there a reason for every other day dosing Rex? What is the stuff anyway?
Excel is an organic carbon source for plants. It's active ingredient is polycycloglutaracetal. It is designed to be used on a regular basis, suggested dosing is every other day. Plants need carbon to thrive.
Yeah, if you have at least two or two and a half inches of gravel in that tank, your max depth is about 13 inches so I would think you are fine with 50 watts and could replace the bulbs after six or eight months with some decent 30 watters. Go for it and have some fun. Elodea will grow fine in low light and is extremely easy to grow. Good luck.
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