300 gallon "Outside Corner" Reef

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I tried reading through this entire thread but I stopped at page 84 because my finger hurt. You have an amazing tank and I hope to step back into the salty side one day and try to get a tank to where it is as great looking as yours. May I suggest a school of blue green chromis in the 300g the lighting would make them look amazing.
Sounds good, keep us posted. Just one word of advice, take it slow and steady. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. There is no magic in a bottle that will solve all your problems. Tanks season, like wine. They get better and stabler as they mature.

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+1 Very week put Greg. I might add research before you buy, always. Good luck on the upgrade!
Thanks all. This is actually a grow out tank. I leave the coral there for the first year or two before moving into the main reef.

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My alk went from 9dkh up to 11dkh as I recharged my Phosphate reactor. P4 went from .3ppm to .08ppm in 24 hours and I lost four heads of common frogspawn. Nothing else effected. Just one tiny error and a year of growth lost.

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I know that feeling ...... I think what makes marine tanks so difficult and yet so appealing is trying to maintain their delicate balance without doing something dumb ,... I'm usually guilty as charged :-/

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Nice photos Greg. All looks to be doing very well. What kind of lighting do you run on the frag tank?
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