30G: Angels, DGs, Platys, Danios & Kuhlis?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 30, 2014
I have a 30g I'm hoping to stock, and I have a bit of a plan worked out, but honestly I have no clue if it'll actually work, soooo ... Help/advice would be really appreciated!
I'd be adding these all over time, of course, once the tank was cycled; with the angel added last as a juvenile to reduce aggression.

1 x Angelfish
2 x Dwarf Gourami (One flame and one blue powder; from what I've read they shouldn't be aggressive if they aren't the same color? Not sure though?)
5 x Platy (I'd do my best to get all female, if not hopefully the angel would get large enough quickly enough to deal with any fry!)
3 x Black Kuhli Loach
+ maybe some sort of small fish (though not small enough to be eaten by the angels) that would add a bit of liveliness to the tank? I was considering longfin/regular zebra danios but I'm worried they'd nip the angel.

Any advice on if these would work/what I could swap out would be great! I really love the idea of the angel along with some bright fish of different types, though.

Thanks so much for any help!
That seems okay but be prepared to pull a gourami if necessary. Pick the smallest ones in the tank.

Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely do that. Are smaller ones less likely to be aggressive, or is it just that the smaller ones are usually younger and their growing up together might help lessen chances of aggression?
Your second guess was right ;) they will also grow up with the other fish and if they can't eat them as babies it's less likely they'll try later

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