4 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 23, 2003
I made this 4 gallon(the glass are .5cm thick) tank long time ago, and i'm thinking using it for a live rock tank.
Would there be any problems?
How much rocks can I put?
How often do I have to check the water?
Do live rocks need light?
and will metal outside the tank affect the live rocks and other living things?
i don't think it should affect anything as long as all the seals are good and no water is touching it. because if the metal rusts it could be pretty bad for the inverts.
Petco sells 10 gallon aquariums for 9.99. So, you would probably save money in the end and you wouldn't have to worry about leaks or anything. If you plan on keeping your tank you would be able to keep about 10 lbs. of live rock in it. Live rock needs light if you want coralline algae to grow. Is your tank just for live rock?
I would say how much rock kind of depends on the density of the rock. If you get some realy porus rock then you might not be able to put much (in the way of lbs) into the tank vs if you find some rather dense rock.

as far as lighting i would say unless you wanted to go with light sensisitve inverts any kind of lighting will be adiquate a 4 gal or even 5 gal tank is very small and even a single bulb florecent will produce a decent bit of light over the tank.
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