40 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 23, 2014
Hello! I just started a 40 gallon freshwater. I started a fishless cycle about a week ago. Is this too much decor for this size tank? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1393183462.163280.jpg
That looks just dandy :) what do you intend to keep?


***** My set up *****

1 Black Moor & 2 fancy Goldies in a 200L (50gal) aquarium.

1200LPH canister filter.

Planted Aquarium.
No that's not too much decor. That actually looks really good for fish to hide under. I would add maybe 1 more cave. What were you planning on stocking the tank with?
That's good to know! I am not sure what I want yet, I haven't had fish for years . I do want to keep it tropica though! Lots of color I may get a backlight to use at times.
Nice looking tank should be great for a community setup I know you didn't ask but here are some suggestions or fish I suggest researching:)!

Pearl Gourami
Cherry Barb
Kuhli Loach
Zebra Loach
Cory Catfish
Cardinal Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Boesemani Rainbowfish
Bristlenose Pleco
Gold Barb

All of these are fish are hardy active and not shy at all and I think any would look great in your tank!
Thnkyou all! I think I will have to do some research today for fish. Best to be ready after my cycle. I did think about some rainbow fish and gouramis. I gotta have active fish
That would look good IMO! I think you could pull off something like

1- Pearl Gourami
10- Threadfin Rainbowfish
6- Cory Cats
1- Bristlenose Pleco

Or maybe

1- Pearl Gourami
7- Bosemani Rainbowfish
1- Bristlenose Pleco
8- Cory Cats
My ph is around 8.0 and up. Any suggestions?! Finally getting results. Ammo drop nitrites and nitrates already!
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395622579.773919.jpg

Thanks for the help ! Tanks done fish in
Stock right now: 2 moonlight gouramis
2 emerald rainbowfish
5 Bolivian rams
2 giant danio
2 giant gold danio

They seem to be doing great added them today
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