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I have a 46 gallon bow front tank. What kind of lighting do you have for your aquarium? Also what kind of filtration do you use and what kind of plants do you have?
Right now in my aquarium I have java fern, money wort, and a couple of swords.
I'll be honest, I'm not as good about knowing the plants as I should be. I'm still working on "pretty fish" and "pretty plants". I have some baby tears and a bunch of caboba-like stuff. I have 2 swords, which are really too big for 46G, they'll be huge soon. I had some anachris, but it just grew through the roof. I had moneywart, but I've had an outbreak of beard algae and it just wasn't look nice, so I heaved it. I have a small java fern which hasn't grown much and then also some Wysteria. There's some amazon sword grass and something on the left side which is growing like crazy too. I really need to go and write it all down.
I'm using two 2 litre bottles for CO2 and it's working really well. I use the internal filter to keep the surface agitation down.
Thanks! I don't know which has helped more the added light or if the DIY CO2 is doing it. Either way, everything is growing like crazy! I have to trim regularly now or the angel gets trapped in a corner!
I haven't heard of any problems using a moonlight with a FW setup. No reason the moon wouldn't shine on a river just like the ocean
It's not that bright really. You can't reall 'watch' the night feeders. But it isn't pitch black which is nice.
It's amazing what you don't see in that tank (rafael cat, 2 upside down cats, eclipse cat, 2 BN plecos, 1 RN pleco. Lots of folks don't see their clowns much, but this loach is real social with everybody.
I lost one to chlorine...using the python to refill the tank - I was adding the amount of water conditioner for the replaced water and all the information says that the python has a built-in system to remove enough chlorine so it's safe for the fish.
uh. Not in my case.
1 pictus, 2 upside down cats and another 1 or 2 fish. That was a bad day.