54 gallon christmas present - startup help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 5, 2005

I was given a 54 gallon corner tank with overflow as a christmas gift. i am interested in making it a cichlid tank. I know my way around the pet industry but i am unsure of what would be the best type of filtration set up I should invest in. I do understand that the filter is one if not the most important part of the tank, but I do not have that much money in spend right now. Trying to keep the cost of the filter itself under $125.00 Anybody have any recommendations?
It is my understanding that cichlids are messy fish. I would advise saving for a quality filter before you think about setting up the tank. Better to do it right the first time which is cheaper in the long run and better for the fish as well. As far as specific filters and how much to spend I will let more knowledgeable folks answer that one.
i wholeheartedly agree ... cichlids can be very messy fish and therefore filteration is a necessity. for 125 you could get an eheim 2213 filter (great for up to 65 gallons). I suggest eheim because a) i am currently using one in an overstocked tank and (b) they may not have super flow rate, but their cleaning abilities is just incredible!! This is something that i think is more important then flow rate. I can always buy something to agitate the water (like a powerhead) to circulate the water better. I spent $120 canadian dollars on the eheim 2213 that i currently use and it came with all the materials needed to start it up (carbon pads amongst other stuff to fill it up properly). If you use a sand cubstrate i recommend that you also get a covering for your filter so that it doesn't burn the filter if sand gets stirred up (which will likely happen given their habbits)
The eheims are great. You can get a 2213 from Big als for 72.99 plus shipping. I love mine. Good luck with the new tank. :D
[center:ba5b5a2c54] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, jenlax21!! n00b: [/center:ba5b5a2c54]
As a cichlid keeper, I will tell you that filtration is important. Eheims are great, but Via Aquas and Fluvals are just fine too. You will also need a quality heater. Many members love Ebo Jagers.

What type of cichlids do you plan on keeping?
I do not think a 2213 would be adequate for a tank that size. I have a 2215 that I run in conjunction with an Emperor 400 on a 44gal, having taken the Eheim off my 55 because it was not enough. I run a Rena Filstar XP3 on my 55 gal by itself, and it is $99.00 at Bigalsonline. For the budget-conscious that's what I'd recommend. If you can save your money for the best, get an Eheim Professional series.
yes get allot of filtration, on that subject where may I find a filter for oh say 450 gallons
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