55 gal tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 16, 2009
Later today, Im getting an 55 gal tank from my aunt.
I've had fish in the past,but never this big of a tank.
I know I have to cycle it and all that good stuff, but I was wondering,
what are some good fish and how much of each can the tank hold?
I'm doing a fresh water tank.
Depends if you want it salt or fresh, and then do you want big fish or small. If you get small community fish like guppies mollies and platys you can have like 20. But if you want gouramis oscars silverdollars or sharks you can have like 3 or 4. It's good to know how big the fish get full grown and try to keep everything in the same size range so they don't eat eachother.
Ehh I would only do a single oscar in a 55, and that is pushing it. Same with sharks (depending on the shark)
I ment the higher end of the 3-4 for the silver dollars. Just trying to explain the ratio of big to small fish / room for them.
Some fish do better is schools or shoals, usually 5 or more. That is a nice size tank to start with!!
It will depend on the biofilter also, like if you have lots of fast growing plants or no plants at all.
Currently my 55G planted with CO2 houses the following:
9 Endlers M&F
3 GBR's: 2M and 1F GBR
6 Bosemani Rainbows: 4M and 2F
1 Angel
4 Otto's
4 Peacock Gudgeons(M&F)
4 Kuhlie Loaches
4 Apple Snails
Lots of RCS(like 50+??)
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