55g fell into my lap

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 3, 2011
San Francisco East Bay Area CA
So I mentioned to a club member that I had moved and might be looking for a larger tank. For the last 10yrs I've stuck with 5-10g tanks. I was thinking a 20L or a 40g

So today I was given a used 55g tank, black stand ( needs a little paint touch up ) ,
AquaticLife 48" T5HO x 4 plus moonlights ( with extra bulbs) , plus 1-2 canister filters, plus a heater.

We got a lot of stuff. My friend is going to check what works and give me appropriate canister and heater.

I'm getting some free sand and hope to get this up and running soon. I may be offered the 175g plus stand....but I will resist !

I'll get some pics up soon.

My goal is Corydoras. Beyond that ?

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That looks like some quality stuff! So other than the corys, you don't know what you want in the tank?

You could get a few bigger fish! Or a ton of smaller ones

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Yes, I know. Right now my first impulse is

8 or more Corydoras sterbai
1 Pearl Gourami
20 Rummynose
1 BN or 6 Otos

Was thinking about a Ram or a pair or Apistos, but don't want my Cories beaten up.

Thought about Angels, but they are so varied in personality.
This will be a heavily planted tank with Driftwood probably sand substrate.

I may host an Open House and let my club go crazy. I belong to an aquatic plant club.

If I find that heat is an issue I can always switch it up and go cooler water tank with a different species of Cory.

I'm not a beginner, I used to have a 55g Amazonian tank. But that was years ago in the early days of UGFs and Blackwater Extract.

I've been concentrating on low tech Nanos. But this might be a medium to high light tank ... will need to borrow my club's PAR meter.

I do want other people's input. I'm very lucky to live near several aquarium/fish clubs plus I have some great LFSs. Plus I won a gift card to Neptune's in San Jose, CA at my last club meet.

I get a lot of things free or cheaper thru my club. Most of my plants will be free trimmings from members tanks.

I love Crypts. I might do one big mother Sword plant. Some Red Root Floaters or Amazon Frogbit may help filter the light a bit. I'm debating CO2. I've never used it beyond Excel or Glut, but I may go that route eventually. The light is very programmable.

My roommate might help me during water changes. I'm getting a Python for free as well. But here in CA we are in a drought, so I need to be smart about water. Any waste water will go onto fruit trees or garden.

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Wow what a deal!

Honestly, it if we're me I'd sell that light. You won't use it to its full potential since you are aiming towards lower tech. A Finnex 24/7 LED is programmable and is half the price new of one of those fixtures on the Amazon link.

If you only had one angel I doubt it would bother the cories.

Edit: you could work with the divider and make a pretty cool aquascape?

I may try the High Tech route. I can get a used CO2 set up pretty cheap if I decide I want red plants.

This is all in planning stage now. Need to reset my 10g and set up a 5.5g Betta tank while I'm thinking.

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There was gravel on one side and sand on the other. It was DIY so should come out without a problem.

My club may do a Monster Tank Build for me and scape it and plant it for me. I offered to host a meet in 3 weeks eeek !
I just moved into my house.

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You should do a giant nano tank! The cories could be your gentle giants!


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
I love large schools of small fish. Cardinals or Rummynose.

I may do one Pearl Gourami as I've had good experiences with them.

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It's confirmed. My club is coming to my house on the 21st. I gotta get substrate and they'll bring hard scape n plants. I have some nice branches of driftwood, but they may be too small for this tank.

Aiming for Sand substrate with plenty of root tabs. I don't do dirted as I move plants and I'll have Cories.

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A club member gave me two buckets of nice soft natural colored Sand. So I think I'm set on Substrate [emoji2]

Going to try to clean tank and sand tomorrow. Remove the divider. And get stand and tank into final placement. Test out lights etc...,

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Well one of my club members said he'll be able to bring me about 6 different species of Crypts. Another member has Jungle Vals, I have regular Vals, plus Java Ferns (4 species) , will see what shows up...my club has done amazing tanks.

Until I get CO2, I'll have to be careful about running lights on this.

But at the SFAS meet tonight someone walked in with gorgeous Veil Angels...I had to remind myself...tank isn't set up and my planned stock doesn't include Angels...at least not this week.

My 5.5g tanks have cleared up nicely. My 55g is taunting me.

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Agreed, angels are so gorgeous! Wish I had room for said setup. We're pushing it as it is @_@ I'll sit in the can't do angels at the moment boat with you, though. How does your timeline look?
Agreed, angels are so gorgeous! Wish I had room for said setup. We're pushing it as it is @_@ I'll sit in the can't do angels at the moment boat with you, though. How does your timeline look?

My Club Meet/Open House/Monster Tank build is 11/21/15 at my house.
I can't wait...but I'm also freaking out as I have a LOT to get done before the 21st.

Plus 11/14 & 11/15 I'm running an AKC dog event. It's a Lure Course event for Sighthound breeds. So every day counts.
I'm also pet sitting 4 days, training my puppy and unpacking as I just moved 2 weeks ago. Trying to clean and reset my 4 small tanks as well.

So no stress LOL

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Tested the light fixture. All 4 installed bulbs work. Night lights as well ( 1 set seemed a bit dim)...I was warned the night lights are a bit iffy.

My club member Diana is cycling a canister filter for me on one of her tanks.

And I set up my 5g Bowfront with some plants a couple of days ago. Added a nice blue Betta yesterday. He's happy and eating.

The app won't let me post pics anymore. I may have hit a limit ? I was a paid member.

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