55gal cycling/stocking/decor ?'s

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2012
Greetings!! I'm a newbie ^^

SO, my dad and I got a great 55 gallon acrylic tank today, complete with a stand and coralife lights, all for 150$ :D whoo!!

In the coming days/weeks we are going to see if we can polish the tank or something to get the few scratches out, check if it holds water, reseal a few things if needed, and start a cycle (must research how to do a proper cycle).

My dad and I have decided we want a tropical community tank. I have a small common pleco that will be the first addition to the tank, and we also know we want some come kind of tiny schooling fish (a big school, probably 50-100). With that in mind, what are some other good additions to add without being overstocked?

My other question is, with the coralife lighting, could we attempt a planted tank? If so, what are good, sturdy beginner plants that we could grow? What kind of gravel or sand should we use? We also want some rock as decor. Is there any aquarium safe, white/light colored rock, with natural caves/arches we could purchase? Also, as we are in the middle of nowhere, most of everything we get for the tank, including fish, will be purchased online. Any good, safe/reliable sites we could use?

Any and all help would be awesome! My dad and I are going into this with a very patient, determined state of mind and have no desire to cut corners. We realize this thing may not even have fish in it for another few months, but it'll be worth it and we both look forward to the work involved in maintaining a nice aquarium.

Thanks for viewing ^^


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I use playsand from Home Depot. I bought my driftwood off amazon. Java ferns are good starter plants as are anubias. As for rocks I did buy mine at a local fish store, maybe the big box stores have some you can buy online? Best Wishes!! :)
Let me get you some useful links :) ill have to do them one at a time tho since I'm on my phone lol.





Ok lol there ya go. There are several other articles that go in depth on cycling that I would be glad to provide once you decide which method you wanna do :)
If you want 50 fish I think Cardinal Tetras or Neon Tetras would be the best option. I also recommend playsand or pool filter sand.
Vanimal has got some great options there ! You could do a school of sterbai Cories for the bottom! You could try a massive school of ember tetra
Samzter said:
Vanimal has got some great options there ! You could do a school of sterbai Cories for the bottom! You could try a massive school of ember tetra

I was gunna mention the ember tetras too, good thinking lol :p
Starting up Your 55 G

Hello Nek...

I have several 55 G tanks. PM me any time and we can discuss things or ask on this forum.

Above everything else, have fun!

I think this would look really nice.
50 Ember, Neon, or Cardinal Tetras
15 Cories
1 Bristlenose Pleco
I have used Drs Foster Smith for a very long time for my supplies. Really cheap prices on brand names, free shipping over $49. Doesn't hurt that I live an hour away from them.

For decorations aside from Foster Smith, one of the forum sponsors has great looking wood for decoration. </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="animated_favicon1.gif"> </head> <body> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Manzanita Driftwood - Manz
I think a heavily planted tank with a large piece of driftwood looks awesome. Also the sand will make it look even better and more natural.
Thank you guys so much for replying! I started reading the links last night and still have much to read and absorb. My dad also purchased a canister filter online for a 75g tank. I need to read up on these too!!

I personally would like a planted driftwood/white rock tank but not sure how my dad feels lol. He's the boss I just try and strongly advise, although the fact that I'm mostly responsible for maintaining the tank cleaning/water changes, feeding and overall maintenance, I hold a bit of leverage. ^^

Anyway, must continue reading links :D
Just an update, we filled the tank with water and it holds! ^^ Though, the black panel bows out a bit, not sure if that is something to worry about....o.o

We are also ordering a kit to buff out some of the larger scratches on the outside of the tank and I figure in about a week or so we'll be ready to cycle. As far as substrate, I'm leaning toward pool filter sand. I love the texas holey rock!! :D we want nice big pieces so it might be expensive, so we're looking at other ideas as well. We want some kind large, tall centerpiece decor but it's proving hard to find atm.

Quick question, maybe a stupid one, but should there be some kind of sealant on the inside of the tank or is the bonded acrylic strong enough that there is no need for it?
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