5G shrimp tank buddies

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 23, 2011
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Now then! Looking for ideas about a mate for my RCS in my 5g tank.
The missis really likes bettas, but I heard they like RCS for breakfast.
Maybe some of the dwarf rasboras? But don't they only like large groups?
Help! :-D

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If the shrimp is smaller than the fish's mouth. Then they'll eat it. If you would like to breed the shrimps, Then the only safe fish would be Otto. :(

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I've also heard that pygmy cories would be safe with shrimp, but....I'm not sure if they'd eat the baby shrimplets if your shrimp breed. Can anyone verify???
Yes some pygmy cories would be fine and wont eat the shrimplets. One of my friend got cories in almost all of his shrimp tanks so that prove that its safe. The only thing with cories is that you got to have a sand or dirt substrate because if the substrate is to hard, they will damage they're "moustache"(I forgot the real name LOL).
Have you looked at snails, they do great with shrimp, i would go with the rabbit snails they are great to watch. Also Celestichthys margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio), Rasbora axelrodi (Axelrod Rasboa), do great in a little shrimp aquarium. Basically anything under 1 1/2" should do great with shrimp. Also your small algae eaters will do great but might just out pace you shrimp for food.
Not necessarily. I have cories with a hard gravel substrate and their barbels are fine. Probably better to have sand but its not a must.

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