75 Gallon Communtiy/Planted New

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2013
Hey all, figured I'd start a journal for my new 75 gallon tank! Here's what I am working with right now:

Rena XP3
Eheim Jager 300w heater
2x T5HO (6500, rose)
1x T8 (6500)
1 strip LED Moon Lights
Eco-complete substrate

Plants: Aponogeton Crispus, Val, Cryptocoryne mioya, Didiplis diandra, some fern, flame moss, Polygonum k, DHG, Anubias nana, Barclaya longifolia(still bulbs)

Fish: Gold Barb x5, Blood Fin Tetra x7, Khuli loach x4, Oto x5, Nerite snail x2.

Future plans: Hydor in-line heater, CO2 system, Another 2x T5HO fixture. More khulis and school of Choprae danios next! Maybe change around the DW placement?

Since this picture was taken: Moved A. crispus to right side, split Polygonum k, split DHG to make a carpet.


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Hey all, figured I'd start a journal for my new 75 gallon tank! Here's what I am working with right now:

Rena XP3
Eheim Jager 300w heater
2x T5HO (6500, rose)
1x T8 (6500)
1 strip LED Moon Lights
Eco-complete substrate

Plants: Aponogeton Crispus, Val, Cryptocoryne mioya, Didiplis diandra, some fern, flame moss, Polygonum k, DHG, Anubias nana, Barclaya longifolia(still bulbs)

Fish: Gold Barb x5, Blood Fin Tetra x7, Khuli loach x4, Oto x5, Nerite snail x2.

Future plans: Hydor in-line heater, CO2 system, Another 2x T5HO fixture. More khulis and school of Choprae danios next! Maybe change around the DW placement?

Since this picture was taken: Moved A. crispus to right side, split Polygonum k, split DHG to make a carpet.

Wow, beutifull,i wish i could keep live plants but my flowerhorn will rip them up:(
Thanks! I haven't done anything besides buy some plants and throw them wherever they would fit at the moment since I have no experience with live ones, so how things are now is very unlikely how they will be in the future. I figure much of learning about aquascaping and planted tanks will come from experience though so I am trying to be patient :).
Ya, thats what i plan on doing in a wile, get a new tanj and throw some plants in and see how they do. Cery nice job though
Does anyone have any advice on stocking they could give? I'm going back and forth on adding a third schooling fish or bolstering the two I have now. This is my first tank of this size and having the ability to add a huge school of fish does sound tempting, but I also like some variety in the tank as well. I've also had horrible luck with the bloodfin tetras (about 2/3 of them have their face "melt" off within a few days, doesn't seem contagious at all I think the stock locally is just bad or something), and I'm not sure I want to deal with that hassle anymore.
Hmmm. I know some barbs and tetras can get nippy. So maybe avoid angels... Consider gaurami and I think you could up the number of your schools a little and add a 3rd schooler.
Thanks for the input!

Would rams work at all in a tank like this? I think I will add some danios, glowlights I believe is the common name, but having something a bit different than the small schoolers I've got now sounds interesting. I'll look into rainbows more before I make any decision, but so far the ones I've seen haven't really done anything for me.
Thanks for the input!

Would rams work at all in a tank like this? I think I will add some danios, glowlights I believe is the common name, but having something a bit different than the small schoolers I've got now sounds interesting. I'll look into rainbows more before I make any decision, but so far the ones I've seen haven't really done anything for me.

Some rainbows are very awesome colors. I think rams would work in you tank unless someone can chime in who has experience specifically with rams and fish you have not working...
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