90 gallon tank smokey color

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 18, 2012
We have 6 chlids and we let the water cycle before adding them.water was clear when we put them in, now the water is a smokey white color. And i tested the water and the nitrates NO2, is 4.0 and the water is 150 which shows hard, and alkalinity was 200 ph was7.8 everything else was normal, so what can i do to fix the smokey white color? please help
U have 90 gallon tank.water can get smokey in various way. Wat kind of filtration u hav? Wat GPH? Wat kind of substrate u r using? Wat kind of food u r giving to ur fishes? Overfeeding can cause smoky water also.
we have a 350 and 200 marineland biowheels filterations, and we feed them, nutrafin max cichlid sinking granules in morning and at night premium cichild flakes.
2 are gold severums,i plecostomus,2 blue Mainganos, 2 brownish ones with big eyes, and 2 albino catfish
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