A few pics

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 17, 2005
Saskatchewan, Canada
New Cardinals for the discus tank. Pardon the cloudiness, I took the pic right after feeding dried tubifex worms.


These are very tiny, longfinned albino bristlenose plecos. Right now they are about 1/2". Oh and one of the rams decided to try and get in the pic at the last minute. :roll:



Updated shot of the 125 gal.

WOW! I love the beautiful colors of the Cardinals and of course I am jealous of the aquascaping you "freshies" come up with!
The cardinals are really beautiful. It is not surprising though that the ram would try to sneak into the picture. Those cichlids are always trying to be the center of attention :)
gheitman said:
Those cichlids are always trying to be the center of attention :)

I got a bolivian ram that's like that. Always comes up to the glass and just stares at me while the other one hides in a cave.
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