a few questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2012
Milwaukee, WI
ok i have a 75 gallon african tank right now i have 1 female acei, 3 yellow labs, 3 ob red zebra, 1 Haplochromis sp. "#44" thickskin red tail.

i met a guy a month ago or so who had a few demasoni broods, jewel cichlid broods, and yellow lab broods the fish were only a half inch long to about an inch last night when i went to go buy them from him. i bought 14 dems, 6 jewels, and 3 yellows to add to my 75 gallon when they grow up a bit.

1. will the jewels go well with the dems, acei, thick skin, and yellows?

2. how long will it take them to grow up big enough to put them in the main tank, how big should they be?

3. how can i speed up the growing process?
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