a never ending battle with algae

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I have eliminated the bga I had with a black-out.

I am now dosing (3 weeks now) the EI method for a 10-20 G tank with GW Ferts.

I have added a CO2 ladder to diffuse my DIY co2 and the plants are really growing well.

I have now developed a brown algae. What now???? this is frustrating.

29gal, moderatly planted, 5 Tiger Barbs, 10 Black Neons, 2 Clown Plecos, 2 YoYo loaches.
Brown Algae=No Problems......

It's diatoms, and they are normal in newer tanks. It will go away on it's own. And if you are interested in a fish to get rid of it, Otos do an awsome job. :)
If the algae brushes off easily, then it is diatoms as LoneWolfBlue mentioned and will go away on it's own.

However if it doesn't brush off easily, it's probably BBA. What are your CO2 levels (KH & pH)? Low fluctuating CO2 is the number 1 cause of BBA. Getting your CO2 levels above 30ppm should halt it's growth. You'll probably need to remove or treat the affected leaves to get rid of what is already in the tank.
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