A Random Converstion Between Some Fish Keepers

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I bought the standard small sponge filter at the LPS. The air column sits above the water line. I could cut it, or lay it down.

I'd cut the tube down to about 1" below the water line. This way you are getting as close to maximum pull that you can. I currently use sponge filters with just about 3" of exhaust tube as they are for my Betta flats or 2 -1/2 gal egg hatching tanks. I've tested the water and they all still cycled ( even with fish fry in the tank.)
Hope this helps (y)
(And I used to sell them in stores so I know what I'm talking about.) I always discouraged this type of sale. It usually turned out bad for business.


The trouble is, people want what they want, if you say no they go someplace that says yes. I actually prefer fish shops that consider the aftercare of a sale. My local store is now very far away as I've "used up" the local ones for one reason and another. Mostly stock treatment issues, attitude and poor advice. All key factors I think, in the fish sales industry.

I deal with people on a regular basis that come up with silly ideas and no means to execute them, no amount of explaining will deter the original thought of "I want this" there are only so many ways to answer, why not?
Some people are expert diplomats, I am obviously not one of these people.

Sometimes I think point of sale in a fish store would be a dream job, looking after all of the fish would be great, my now "local" store has a great team of experts, if you ask a question they make sure the member of the team that specialises in your particular subject is the person that deals with your enquiry. They may ask you to wait because X is busy, Fantastic! All of the correct questions are asked by them, all of the correct answers are given in response to a "hoax" test. They are even honest in saying, I'm sorry I don't know, please hold on, then person X arrives to deal with me.

Most of these attributes are normally unheard of.
I guess I was one of those good diplomats :brows: I rarely had to deal with people who wanted things "Because I want them!!!" I do recall, in one store I worked at, a number of customers speaking to another customer who I had just given my favorite line to, ("I make my living by selling things. WHY would I be telling you NOT to buy something?") that he'd be foolish not to listen to me and that I knew what I was talking about!! Do I know for sure that he got the message? No, but as you said, it doesn't stop them going somewhere else. ( And I didn't really want this type of customer anyway. Too much aggravation!) but it was this kind of customer relations that brought people from as far 4-5 hours by car and 12 hours by plane to come to our store. ( One of my customers was the former president of the country of Guatamala. :whistle:) They knew they were going to get top notch service and merchandise with no B.S. or funny business. Not too many shops like that around anymore ( at least not where I am around shopping :( )

I will say that working in a pet shop does give you a lot of exposure to a lot of different animals and you gain a whole lot of knowledge because you need to know how to keep them all alive. It's not all fun and games tho. (I spent many nights until the wee hours of the morning because a shipment came in late or got lost and was sent to the wrong airport.) However, if you work in a good store, you make sure the after sale care can be done before you make the sale. At least that's been my experience in the stores I worked for. (y) It's why I am not a big fan of the big box stores. The things I've heard some of their employees say makes me wonder how they could even be in the live animal section. :facepalm:

So the best you can do is try to educate the people wanting to keep living things. If they don't want to listen, at least you did the right thing.
I guess I was one of those good diplomats :brows: I rarely had to deal with people who wanted things "Because I want them!!!" I do recall, in one store I worked at, a number of customers speaking to another customer who I had just given my favorite line to, ("I make my living by selling things. WHY would I be telling you NOT to buy something?") that he'd be foolish not to listen to me and that I knew what I was talking about!! Do I know for sure that he got the message? No, but as you said, it doesn't stop them going somewhere else. ( And I didn't really want this type of customer anyway. Too much aggravation!) but it was this kind of customer relations that brought people from as far 4-5 hours by car and 12 hours by plane to come to our store. ( One of my customers was the former president of the country of Guatamala. :whistle:) They knew they were going to get top notch service and merchandise with no B.S. or funny business. Not too many shops like that around anymore ( at least not where I am around shopping :( )

I will say that working in a pet shop does give you a lot of exposure to a lot of different animals and you gain a whole lot of knowledge because you need to know how to keep them all alive. It's not all fun and games tho. (I spent many nights until the wee hours of the morning because a shipment came in late or got lost and was sent to the wrong airport.) However, if you work in a good store, you make sure the after sale care can be done before you make the sale. At least that's been my experience in the stores I worked for. (y) It's why I am not a big fan of the big box stores. The things I've heard some of their employees say makes me wonder how they could even be in the live animal section. :facepalm:

So the best you can do is try to educate the people wanting to keep living things. If they don't want to listen, at least you did the right thing.

When stuff dies it would very quickly be your fault! I agree with what you call box stores, some of them don't look like they can look after themselves!
Working late doesn't bother me (providing adequate payment for services rendered of course), work is work.

I think the fish store dream is so I can get cheap stock! Perks they call it. I think I'd be reluctant to sell "my pets" to anyone:ROFLMAO:

No sir/madam this fish is not for you, neither are those ones! Come again soon!
When stuff dies it would very quickly be your fault! I agree with what you call box stores, some of them don't look like they can look after themselves!
Working late doesn't bother me (providing adequate payment for services rendered of course), work is work.

I think the fish store dream is so I can get cheap stock! Perks they call it. I think I'd be reluctant to sell "my pets" to anyone:ROFLMAO:

No sir/madam this fish is not for you, neither are those ones! Come again soon!

Yeah, I worked for the perks. lol Unfortunately, I wanted so many fish ( I had a lot of tanks :D) that my bosses finally had to make a new policy for me. I could take any fish I wanted, at cost, if it didn't sell in a week's time. You have no idea how many fish I sold on that 6th day that just killed me :ROFLMAO: Fun is fun but business is business and I'd be a fool to not sell "my" fish as this would lead to the store not being there for long. I was in it for the long haul!!! Thankfully, my shippers started adding fish in the boxes that were specifically for me. My name was even on the bags :D You gotta love the fish biz (y) Now some of those fish are common place but back then, they were rarities. It's all about who you know ;):lol:
Yeah, I worked for the perks. lol Unfortunately, I wanted so many fish ( I had a lot of tanks :D) that my bosses finally had to make a new policy for me. I could take any fish I wanted, at cost, if it didn't sell in a week's time. You have no idea how many fish I sold on that 6th day that just killed me :ROFLMAO: Fun is fun but business is business and I'd be a fool to not sell "my" fish as this would lead to the store not being there for long. I was in it for the long haul!!! Thankfully, my shippers started adding fish in the boxes that were specifically for me. My name was even on the bags :D You gotta love the fish biz (y) Now some of those fish are common place but back then, they were rarities. It's all about who you know ;):lol:

Unfortunately I lack the scruples for business! It is definitely a particular cut of mankind to be in business. Don't take that the wrong way I just can't do the make as much as you can thing (the idea of business), I can manage myself but the stress of staff, for example keeping them employed (making the business work) dealing with those that really shouldn't be employed etc. that's too much for me! :devilish::angel:take your pick:ROFLMAO:

Perhaps I could run the worlds smallest aqua zoo! A small levy to cover costs/overheads, maybe that would suit me better, then I could keep them!
No other perks.

What do they say, you can't have your bread buttered both sides!
I would say you can't have your cake and eat it, but I can and do eat cake!
My brief stint in retail showed me I was too redneck for it. The store I worked in told us to basically kiss the customer's rear even when they were wrong or abusive. I only lasted about six months.
I liked the directness of private industry. If some knot-head came at you with a bad case of dumb-*ss or an attitude, you had the latitude to "educate" him or rip him a new one.
I was a dept. manager with 40+ steel workers in my charge the last 14 yrs I worked. I'm honored and humbled that almost all of them liked and respected me. They knew I had come from the very bottom just like them and I treated them as partners. The few bone-heads that we had over the years learned quickly and not so politely that I meant what I said and my guys stuck up for me at times. I'm retired now and I miss being with my guys. Strong, hard-bitten men but with hearts of gold. OS.
My mom's family worked in the steel mill, very tough men.

If I didn't have too much to do already I would work part time at the pet shop.
Mostly at OS. Yes I'm from the working class of folk, I've had the jobs of mechanic engineer and now I do many building trades daily, it's different how people are, what I call banter some people would be mortally offended by! Most of the people I get along with are comedy jokers, find the line step over it and push some more, then wait for payback! War cry aaaaarrrrrrrgh! Then at T break back to being buddies! Like you I'm not really cut out for courtesy, kissing it or laying it on thick is something I don't do well, sock it to em and sweep up the residue, that's me! I spend all day everyday getting pranked or setting one up. Sometimes it gets rough, those that harbour resentment don't last long. Never any bitterness, the rules are, if they bleed its a no(can be difficult to gauge). If it going to cost them money it's a no (unless you replace or repay) can be fun but maybe costly to the dealer, and no farting (gas bursts) at dinner time! Apart from those three commandments anything goes! (y)
For a long time I worked in IT at a large corporation. Now I own a small construction business. The way people interact in the two fields is completely different. The construction guys are certainly more fun.
Steel making is a hot, dirty, dangerous, brutally physical job. Humor is a way to "lighten the load". LOL Even as the "boss" I was subject to and part of many a prank.

Back to the subject question of the OP. I remember a really good fish shop that had a three ring binder with laminated, small picture/profile sheets on each of the species they had/might have in stock. It was kept at the fish section and a customer could look at it about a fish he saw that he was considering. It was a great resource for the beginners.
For a long time I worked in IT at a large corporation. Now I own a small construction business. The way people interact in the two fields is completely different. The construction guys are certainly more fun.

This will be a surprise for everyone. I AGREE:lol:

During my time as a glazier I fitted the partition screens glass/blinds in offices, some of the places were occupied, I used to think there is no way I could come here everyday and work, just sitting in silence at a desk, no sir, not for me, some places were more silent than a funeral parlour. Some offices were fun but they were few and far between. I found the smaller offices were better, those big places seemed like nobody new who else they worked with, just cogs in a machine. The people were almost surprised if you said hello and offered conversation, like it was a rare occurrence!
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