A tempting offer

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Da Squid

Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 1, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I've lived an aquarium free life for about 6 years now but am thinking of falling back into the habit. In the past I've set up some basic 20 gallon tanks with a power filter and some tetra's (nothing fancy). I mentioned to my boss that I was considering getting into the hobby and he drops this 'free tanks' bombshell on me.

He offers me a 55 gallon tank w/stand and undergravel filter for free. This is WAY more tank than I am used to and am not sure if I should get into the trouble. Still, its hard to pass up all this equipment for free as money is tight. I'll be filling it up with hose water to check for leaks (its about 15 years old) before making my decision.

If I do decide to take it, I was thinking of trying a few hardy live plants which will be a first for me. I'm very thankful to have found this site and will no doubt keep all of you posted with my trials and tribulations.

Welcome to AA! Free is always good. The larger tanks require less maintenance, that being said, plants can require more maintenance. The options are fairly wide open for choices though. Congrats on the tank.
Thanks everyone! It's not official yet. I dont want to get my hopes up in case the tank is in disrepair.

I'm loving your site by the way. I had no idea UGF's were so unpopular now! My Aquariums For Dummies book swears by them and I always just took it for granted that they were a must. This CO2 requirement is also a bit intimidating. Still, if this stuff were easy then it wouldn't be a very good hobby. :)
welcome aboard.
Don't let CO2 scare you away.
I don't add any to my lightly planted aquariums and my plants thrive.
Fish provide plenty of CO2 for a fair amount of plants.
Yeah I was thinking of starting sparse and just adding as I go. From all I've read the underground filter sounds like a definate no-no. Would one power filter be enough or should I have two on each end? I still have many guides to read here obviously.
Tank WITH stand?!?!?! Nice :O

Cheapest stand for a 55 I could find was $100 on Petco.com, and I've seen some go for 200+, definitely take it :)
Yeah, I haven't seen it yet so I refuse to get my hopes up. I'm told its just a rod iron stand with a shelf underneath. I'd prefer something with doors but I'll likely hang a tapestry over the stand to hide all my gear. I've a mind to turn my third bedroom into a sort of library/chillin room with some easy chairs,Chinese lanterns and the tank (maybe two tanks if i manage not to flood the house during the first 6 months).
I would take it anyway...you really cant beat free really...Im paying 40 soon for a 55 gal with no accessories whatsoever and I have to do a patch job on it too! (nothing major just a minor chip and a filter hole in the bottom unless i decide to use it)
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