A Whole Lot of Fish Photos..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 15, 2004
And some invertebrates too.

I need to get a new digital camera, as the one I have is a 2.0 megapixel Canon PowerShot A40 that's eons old. :) Oh well- check http://www.aquariumadvice.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=4928 to see them...those are all new uploads except for the one of the goldfish and the one of the skate embryo. Make sure to check the other pages if you're interested.

So there you have it. Enjoy. :D
great pics why is the clown fish strange? looks beautiful.
I think I typed it in the description for that picture, but if you look at his first dorsal fin it's missing a portion. He also just bobs around at the very top of the tank most of the time...not like he's gasping for air, but just because he feels like it, apparently. I know he can swim down because I've seen him do it and even cruise around down there for a second, but he always just goes back up to the top. =)
Nice pictures! the Striped Raphael Catfish (aka chocolate doradid) particularly struck a nerve. I used to have one, but I never saw him (for at least 6 months I thought he was dead) until he revealed himself one day only to die a week later from a sudden fungal attack. It was very sad. :( But onto happier topics - your pictures are very nice! I, too, like the clown fish; he's got extra personality. :)
Oh, I just noticed you joined on my birthday, Hypostomus! :mrgreen: Sorry, I'm obsessed. Any particular reason for your handle? "Hypostomus" is very interesting but I regret to say it doesn't make a lick of sense to me. (Maybe I just don't have the scientifical expertise, lol!)
Ok. I just saw the lab pics, and now I'm going thru your gallery. How the HECK do you get such great shots? Have you trained your fish to pose? LOL I'm no slouch when it comes to pics of my guys and tanks, but I look like a 5 yr old with a polaroid in comparison.

You need more pics of the angels *grin* theres not enough. And except for the funky markings, your beer belly clown loach bears a strong resemblence to mine; we call ours...erm...big fat f*** LOL he is SUCH a pig! How big is your guy?
Why yes, I bribe them with live brine shrimp. ;)

I wish I had better than a 2.0 megapixel camera-- I'm not really satisfied with those pictures, but they're the best I can get on the one I have. But to get the pictures you basically have to have a lot of patience. I took about 150+ pictures over a few days (two to three hour stints of sitting there snapping shots at a time) to get the ones I have there. Basically I sat in front of the tank, waited for somebody to come out (or in the case of the angelfish, to get out of the way so I could actually take a picture of someone else), and then tracked them till they slowed down. Then I got the camera to focus in and waited for them to do something interesting, or until I could get a really nice macro image (like with the angels), and shot the picture. It does help if you do it during the day somewhat near when they are fed, because usually everyone will be up and about looking for tidbits.

I would guess my loaches are about 4" long...or so...there's a picture in there somewhere I think where it shows them swimming with my adult pearlscale angelfish, which I did as a size reference for myself..but it came out as kind of a cute picture too. =)

Hopefully this summer when I work 59285984598 hours to get ready to pay my board for next year, and to get more stuff for the saltwater tank, I'll also squeak in enough to get a 4-6 megapixel. For good quality pictures I really think it's necessary, especially for the macro stuff you have to do where aquariums are concerned.

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