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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 13, 2003
Glendale, Arizona
So i was shopping around online and i saw this in bigalsonline.com's front page

If you find the same aquarium product sold Online for less we will beat the price by 5% on Online merchandise."

i was looking for plant ferts [the kent products] I saw them selling the ferts for $5.39, while at petsolutions.com they sell theirs for only $5.19.

How do i tell bigalsonline.com about this so they'll give me a discount? should i email them about it or something?

Yep. Email them or call their number 888 80bigals or something

I think the same applies to their Fluorite products. I think Petsolutions has them for cheaper, too.
I have not had much luck e-mailing them and getting a reply, but I get plenty of help on the phone, so I would recommend doing that if you don't hear back. I have found them to be true to their word and very willing to resolve any problems with the product, shipping, etc.
that's my favorite site of all due to the price matching, they used to have a comment box where you link the price match. Since that's gone they would now prefer you to call them within an hour of your order. That site is great, they price match anything! For fertilizer the have Tropic Master Growth there also for $10.99 for a 500mL bottle
I've always been put on hold when I called (I'd give it 5 minutes then hang up to try again at a different time).

The shipping and ordering went fine and were prompt though.
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