About my Senegal Bichirs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2005
Denver, CO
So, i went to the petstore today, and to make a long story short I got myself another bichir senegal.
He is really little only 3" long maybe a little more but girth wise he is a skinny little fellow. I have him aclimating to my 20gal right now. I was just wondering if i should wait for him to get bigger before i put him in my 55gal with my bigger bichir. Do you think he would eat him? My bigger one is probably 2 times his size and resembles a sausage more than a fish. What do you guys think?
I think two bircirs are a bad idea for a 55g tank in the first place.
I was told by a number of people and I have read a lot of articles that said it would be ok.
Japola44 said:
I was told by a number of people and I have read a lot of articles that said it would be ok.

From what I've seen they can get to be close to a foot long each, and a fat foot long at that. I wouldn't really want one full grown in a 55, let along two. Besides just the size issue, I'm not sure how two of those guys would get along in such cramped quarters.
From all the articles i have read about P. senegalus they are not generally agressive towards eachother. I also don't plan on adding any more fish to my 55 gal. It is well planted with a lot of hiding places. I do 25% water changes once a week or more. Worst case scenario if they don't get along I could always give one to a memeber of the aquarium society.
Two should be fine in a 55. The local bichir expert has always agreed with that too (can't remember his/her screen name, sorry!). I'd wait 'til they're about the same size though, I've heard stories (and seen pictures) of canibalism.
They should be fine.However grow the smaller out before introducing,I feel the size difference is to great right now just my opinion -Anne
I don't think the one i got is doing too well :( He doesn't move much and didnt take interest in any of the blood worms. The only time i saw him do anything really was when i was looking at him in the tank and he must have spooked and swam around the tank real fast until he pretty much dug himself into the gravel :( Big contrast compared to my other one that couldn't stop moving when i first put him in the tank. I hope he gets better.
Hrafnkel said:
The local bichir expert has always agreed with that too (can't remember his/her screen name, sorry!).

Your probably thinking of Toirtis ?

You should PM him. He is a reptile expert and he has A LOT of bichirs.
Lance M. said:
Hrafnkel said:
The local bichir expert has always agreed with that too (can't remember his/her screen name, sorry!).

Your probably thinking of Toirtis ?

You should PM him. He is a reptile expert and he has A LOT of bichirs.

Fruitbat is the guy to talk to about birchirs.
Japola44 said:
I don't think the one i got is doing too well :( He doesn't move much and didnt take interest in any of the blood worms.

Try feeding catfish pellets... I usually break the pellets into small pieces and put it in front of my Senegal and they really like them.....
Even mine are about 4".....
Try feeding catfish pellets... I usually break the pellets into small pieces and put it in front of my Senegal and they really like them.....
Even mine are about 4".....

Yah earlier today i broke up a peice of a sinking pellet that my other bichir just loves, and i was happy to see he came out of his little cave that he claimed to grab a peice. I think he will just take a little longer to settle in.

Tortis told me 2 in a 55gal would be ok.
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