Accidental Betta Owner-Help?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 20, 2011
I hope this is the correct section. I've found myself in possession of a Betta with no warning or time to prep.

This starts out as a well meaning story, my mom wanted to lower my uncle's blood pressure. For Fathers Day she went and purchased a Betta and dumped him into a 1.5 gallon plastic tank and settled him on the kitchen counter. My boyfriend noticed that little Betta seemed pretty skittish and brought him downstairs, now I have a new pet. My boyfriend and I have already had to use a net to clean his tank after someone tried to feed him a cap full of pellets, I don't know how much he ate, if anything.

So I'm looking for any help I can get with direct information. Will he need a bigger tank? If I do what does the tank need, and will he be okay in this little one until I get it? Food? Plants?
The Betta will be ok for a little bit, but you need to buy a 5 gallon at the least to house him comfortably. You will need to purchase a heater aswell to keep the temp in its 70's. They only need to be fed a little bit of food everyday. Its best if you underfeed, then overfeed.

They don't get along with males of there own species, they will also bully females mercilessly.

Good tankmates would be Snails, Shrimp, Neon Tetras, or African Dwarf Frog's to name a few. Becareful with what you add because the Betta may harm them, or it could be the otherway around seeing as the Betta is slow swimmer. Betta's are very territorial, and there independent so they don't really need co-inhabitants.

The Betta will also need a filter, but becareful they don't like currents to much.

Since it is in a small tank (I am assuming it is unfiltered), I would recommend you do a small Partial Water Change a day to keep the ammonia and nitrAte levels at peace or get a filtered 2.5 gallon tank (Minimum tank size for betta is 2.5 gallons). A heater is also important (72F - 86F) when keeping a betta (they are tropical fish).

Food: Most betta foods that you can get at walmart will be just fine, but if you really want to go all out, order some online.

Yes, he should do just fine in there until you get another as long as you are keeping up on water changes.f

Plants aren't really important, usually just for looks and some oxidation. If you want, get some (Make sure you meet the plant requirements too).
Bettas are among the most beautiful fish you can have ..

1. Tank - fluval edge will be a good choice . Try to buy one which come as a compete set -up .

2. Use products such as Tetra Aquasafe to neutralise heavy metals and chlorine ... Tetra safestart to help kick start the filter and tetra easybalance which help with ph levels and nitrates.

3. Never have more than 1 male betta in the tank .. They will fight to the death .

3. Food wise - fish stomach is as big as it's eye so feed your betta 1 or 2 pellets twice daily ..

Take care of your betta ..
Crypto said:
Since it is in a small tank (I am assuming it is unfiltered), I would recommend you do a small Partial Water Change a day to keep the ammonia and nitrAte levels at peace or get a filtered 2.5 gallon tank (Minimum tank size for betta is 2.5 gallons). A heater is also important (72F - 86F) when keeping a betta (they are tropical fish).

I have a 2.5g tank, and the only thing it's really good for is a invert-only tank. It's too small for any fish to inhabit; all I have in mine is shrimp.

Please don't follow this advice and get a tank that's too small for your betta. Like GrimmGoby said, you should get a minimum of 5g tank for a betta. If you get a 5g tank, I'd only get inverts as tank mates - shrimp and/or snails. If you get a 10g tank, you can get a small school of fish with your betta. Either way, please be sure to cycle your tank first before you add anything else to it. Here's a good link for you to review.

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?!

For filters in a 5g or 10g tank (whichever one you get), I'd get a small HoB or internal filter. For a HoB filter, you should consider an AquaClear 20. For an internal filter, you could get a Fluval Nano or Duetto 50/100. Don't bother with an activated charcoal or carbon insert as they're only good for removing meds from your tank. Don't get an ammonia removing resin either; you want bacteria that will remove ammonia to build up in your filter instead. All you should need for the filter is the filter pad(s) and any biological filter media like Biomax.

Almost any heater with 100 watts or less will do; the only thing you should do is avoid the super cheap $10 heaters that could shatter in your tank.

Welcome to the hobby! Don't be afraid to ask any questions on here; there are lots of people on the boards with alot of experience that would be glad to help you out! (y)
robincoops said:
3. Food wise - fish stomach is as big as it's eye so feed your betta 1 or 2 pellets twice daily ..

Common misconception, a Betta's stomach is actually bigger then its eye, people just say that just as a rule of thumb so that people don't overfeed. Actually that is said about every fish, but its simply not true.
I just got mine a 10 g tank. I had to wait for it to cycle. And then I am getting some Red Cherry Shrimp to put in and then adding our Betta last.

I feed him 2 of the omega one betta pellets or 2 brine shrimp every day. I rotate between the 2. I am going to get some frozen peas at the store and will feed like this: Day 1,3,5 get 2 pellets, days 2 and 4, 2 brine shrimp. Day 6 will be blanched pea w/ shell removed. Day 7 is no food/ tummy rest.
Just as this might be helpful to you, walmart sells a 5 gallon complete kit for 27$. The filter isn't top of the line, but it'll work fine and it's the best deal for beginners. All you'll have to add is gravel and buy a testing kit, and a few plants if you want.
Thank you to everyone! We (I forgot to mention the bf is totally backing me with funds on all this!) decided on a ten gallon, although it will take two days before I have the car to get it. We are picking out a filter and heater based on the suggestions given here.

I'm a little afraid on what to do until then, should I still take the suggestion of doing a partial water change? I do have some conditioner still to prep water (ordering more online, but not the stuff that came in the cheap little kit). So far he seems alright, he likes to stay in the leaves of the little plant or stare at us when we get close. Is it normal that he has an affinity for objects outside of his tank? He goes to whichever side we set a green clean up towel near.

Should I try doing a full cycle before I put him in the new tank or introduce him. I'm no stranger to PH testing at least so diligence for either set up won't be hard.

Thank you again for the help so far and keeping me from freaking out. I wish my mom had told me beforehand so I could have prepared by researching before hand. Sorry for jumping topics in my posts.

P.S. We named him Charlie. Not very regal, but the name seems to fit.
I have two bettas in 2 different community tanks with other fish and inverts, and they absolutely will recognize their owners. Mine happily swim front and center when I come and home and wiggle about in a fishy happy dance.
Continue your daily partial water changes until you get the new tank setup.
Does his current bowl have gravel/decorations?
If they do, putting that in the 10 gallon will help speed up cycling when you get it, making his new home much more comfortable.
Be diligent about your water parameters and follow the cycling with fish thread and you will be doing jut fine for Charlie!
Some may disagree and I can see why but with bettas I never cycled the tank and they did great I have 5 in total 1 in a 5 gallon 2 in a divided 10 gallon and another 2 in a divided 10 gallon I have no idea why they did so good without cycling but they did if you have the patience to wait I would leave him in the small tank till it cycled then move him over but keep up with your pwc and if you have a TRUSTED lfs or a friend with a tank ask if you can borrow some good used floss filter media with this you can cycle your tank much faster with the exception of my first tank I cycled all 7 of my others in less then one week
I vote moving him immediately and doing fish-in cycling. He'll be happier in the large tank. Just make you sure you can use any cycled media possible!
It's not really An emergency if they do pwc he will do fine in the small tank until the 10 is cycled before I knew about cycling we had a Betta in a unfiltered unheated fish bowl and completely changed the water once a month and he lived for almost 3 years I am just saying they are a hardy fish and can almost handle anything you can throw at them
Betta fish can live 9 years. You can define emergency your way; I'll define it my way. In my defintion, a betta in a bowl is an emergency.
Touchy lol I understand I am just saying he will survive till the tank is ready I agree with how long they can live in a heated filtered tank i have 1 Betta Finley that's 5 years old

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