ACF sick :(

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 12, 2009
Hello everyone,

My ACF has been sick for over a week, and I've tried many a remedy with nothing yet working. I was wondering if anyone would be able to suggest anything else.

I have a 10 gallon aquarium and I've been using the recommended doses of Melafix. I've also begun adding some Pimafix that I had left over from when I had a pleco in there, but neither are working. Considering adding aquarium salt as well but I don't want to cause too much strain on the frogs. It's only one frog that is sick, the other has been fine.

Here's a picture (promise it's not spam):

Anyone have any advice of anything else to try? I really don't want it to die :( Thank you!!

EDIT: I've had this frog since November, and it only started getting sick about two weeks ago. The other frog I've had since October. I had to take it home for christmas break and set it up again at home, then tear it down again and bring it back to campus, so they have understandably been through stress, and the entire water had to be changed in both instances in order to safely transport the aquarium.

I've been feeding them ghost shrimp occasionally (but I like them to also help keep the tank clean), as well as bloodworms and occasionally tubifex worms. I added a new plant about two weeks before my frog started getting sick, but I don't know if that was coincidence or if it had anything to do with the fact that I had to reset the aquarium back up at the same time.
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