acidic fruits

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 20, 2006
dayton, oh
Just something I've been wondering...

Tons of people give orange slices to their fish, and obviously that's not a problem, but is there a limit to how acidic foods can be?

What about giving your fish limes? Lemons? Grapefruit? Shouldn't be a problem since it's still just citric acid, right? Maybe the fish would get angry and make a little puckery face and demand some sugar to sprinkle on the grapefruit?

What about a jalapeño? Would the capsaicin kill your fish?

What about pure ascorbic acid (vitamin c)? Would that hurt your fish or lower your pH noticably?
I imagine a jalepeno wouldn't go over too well with the fish. As for citrus fruit and acids, I think it breaks down fairly fast and doesn't build up in the water from light and other natural processes but don't quote me on that. Pure ascorbic acids, I would think could have a huge detrimental effect on the fish as overdosing on it as a human is very bad. There should be plenty of it in their food to not have to dose it all by itself.

I think the fish like fruits because it has flavor and it also has substance. I don't know about you but my food has alot of different textures and "feel" to it and that is why i eat certain food. I imagine a fish could be bored with flat flakes and just devour the fruit because it takes good. I do still have to try it though as I still haven't tried fruit in my tanks.

Edited for errors, I really need to quit posting when I am half asleep.
Tostada said:
Just something I've been wondering...

Tons of people give orange slices to their fish, and obviously that's not a problem, but is there a limit to how acidic foods can be?


What about giving your fish limes? Lemons? Grapefruit? Shouldn't be a problem since it's still just citric acid, right?
These should be fine, but some fish may not eat them.

Maybe the fish would get angry and make a little puckery face and demand some sugar to sprinkle on the grapefruit?

Ask them.

What about a jalapeño? Would the capsaicin kill your fish?

Bad idea. This would most likely make the fish very agitated if not outright harm them, and I'd hate to think what this could do to your biological filter and inverts.

What about pure ascorbic acid (vitamin c)? Would that hurt your fish or lower your pH noticably?

Trace amounts are added to most foods that you feed the fish, and by trace I mean REALLY SMALL. I would not add this.

Basically I'd stick to the main fruits, and feel free to try a lime or lemon, but would stay away from the jalapeno/ascorbic acid.....

I've read that oscars are fond of orange slices. Fish that like orange will probably react the same way to grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, and lime. Unless you're dumping bushels of fruit in the tank, the ascorbic acid will be diluted to the point of no concern.

If I'm not mistaken, only mammals have capsaicin receptors. I doubt that capsaicin would have much of an effect on fish. Anyone who has birds will tell you that they love munching on dried chile pepper snacks. Also, it is the pepper seeds that pack the greatest punch - you would probably only offer the pepper flesh to the fish. I've heard that capsaicin has mild antibacterial properties, probably similar to tea leaf extract (Melafix). Again, unless you're dumping in tons of the things, you shouldn't have to worry about your biofilter.

Pure ascorbic acid is another story - although it is a weak acid, too much would probably have some effect on the tank's pH.
Another idea could be to squirt some juice from an orange or apple, or whatever you chose, and soak a little food in it, then feed to the fish.
I tried some tangerine or satsuma! ;) and my fish didn't like it! :lol:
Also they weren't too keen on grape or banana.

Tostada: That video is hilarious! The way he comes out sneakily, grabs the food then reverses back into the cave! :lol:
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