Ack! My lemon cichlid fertilized by brichardi eggs!!!

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I had Julidocromus Transcriptus and Brichardi crossbreed once. I'm fairly certain the fry were sterile.
My lemon cichlid fertilized by brichardi eggs!!!
What really happened? The brichardi eggs fertilized a lemon yellow?? :wink: The male lemon cichild fertilized the female brichardi eggs? How do you know for sure?
If the fry are viable (i.e. live to adulthood), they very well may be sterile. It's not a bad thing, just mother nature's way of keeping things on the right track.
The two fish you are keeping come from different rift lakes in Africa and I would be surprised if you get fry out of this pairing.

Julidochromis transcriptus and Neolamprologus brichardi, Chalinochromis brichardi or Neolamprologus pulcher are all native to Lake Tanganyika.
The tank contains 4 Brichardi (3 females and 1 male) and a Lemon Cichlid (Now I'm sure its a male). It was a Lemon Cichlid (Neolamprologus leleupi) that fertilized the brichardi's(Neolamprologus brichardi) eggs. I actually got to watch the female lay the eggs and saw the male fertilize them. I went to feed them when she was half way through laying the eggs. I hope the fry are pretty :). The lemon is also protecting the eggs from the others in the tank.
The Tanganyikan Lemon Cichlid!! Okay, since the scientific name was not used, I thought is was the Lemon Yellow from Lake Malawi. Since your fish are from the same genus, the eggs are probably viable.
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