100 Gallon Reef
Aquarium Advice Newbie
Has anyone had cracks form on the face of an acrylic tank from heavy vibration or earthquakes? I have a 100 gallon acrylic tank 60x18x22 that formed hundreds of horizontal cracks on the front face during 2 weeks of construction near by. The sewer in the street was replaced less than 30 feet away 15 feet deep they dug a hole and filled it with gravel packing it with a hydraulic impactor on a large escavator. Pictures fell off walls and items fell from tables and shelves and lights swung. The tank sloshed for 2 weeks off and on for hours at a time and cracks up to 1" long formed in vertical rows and patches (see attached pictures). The construction company admits to the heavy vibration, but tells me the cracks that formed in my tank are a coincidence and not caused by the vibration and shaking they do admit to. They told me this is crazing caused by having a 3/8 and not 1/2 inch thick tank? Has anyone ever had damage caused to a tank from earthquake like vibrations?