ADA 75-P Hole-Less Reef Build?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2012
New York, NY
It's about a 40 gallon tank. If I wanted to go with no overflow or refugium and just a very large canister filter like a big Eheim, how well would that work?

Besides lighting and a heater, what other parts would I need?

Do I just need a hang on back protein skimmer?

The plan is to have a Valentini puffer fish and a modest amount of coral. I'm not expecting huge giant growth.
yup, I would still suggest skimmer, and if you are using canister filter, what I know someone did is remove all media in it and replace with rock rubble
I personally wouldn't put rock rubble in the canister as it will clog up from detritus settling in the filter. I would use the canister for running carbon and phosphate removing products in the bottom 2 compartments then filter floss in the top so that its easy to change. Always get into a routine, every week maybe for cleaning out the filter as they tend to be a nitrate factory but regular cleaning will stop that ;)
I would scrap the canister, and run a HOB filter, and a HOB protein skimmer. Canister filters aren't meant for GFO or carbon, both of which take different flow rates which are slower than a canister flows. You could end up basically breaking up the material and fine particles will end up in your tank... You can always run GFO and carbon in a HOB, I use a AC70, and there's lots of options for customizing media.
Never used one of them skimmers. Have a look at aqua medic turboflotor skimmers they are a great price and skim very well. I have to empty my skimmer cup every 2 to 3 days because it pulls out some right nasty stuff lol. Any canister will do but make sure it has a decent flow rate and throw away all the sponges and filter media that come with it as they are useless and use filter floss and change it for new floss every 4 to 5 days. ;)
The main reason why I don't like use Canister on Reef is mainly because the extra work you need to do. It is actually less chance to clog the filter compare to actual medias. Also keeping carbon in there means in few month down the road (depend on bio load), that thing will become a phosphate /nitrate generator if you don't replace it.
Just to be clear, the true REEf set up should be with Sump and skimmer, no canister filtration nor HoB filters. For your case, I think any type of filtration would work, just need to make sure you are on top of the mant.
main issue for these type of set up is the air exchange. becuase of the limitation on water surfaces, you will have much less air exchange for the tank which lead to less oxygen in the water. You will need to find a different way to replace that wil your set up if you not running some kind of sump.
In the videos for the Protien skimmers, there seems to be significant aeration going on, does that not return to the tank?
are you talking about the bubble inside the skimmer? it technicaly use those bubble to push the waste to the top of collection cup. That's how all skimmer works. It will be going back into the tank, but most of the rate is slow overall. Also I usually will get a skimmer twice or even 3 times of the load. Let's say if your tank is 30g, you should look for a skimmer that is rated at least 100g.
Ah okay thanks. I'm still debating this.

I may just pick up a Cadlights 50g complete setup but it's a bit bigger than I'm looking for.

I'd really prefer a rectangular long aquarium but I'm having a hell of a time finding a stand for the ADA 75-P.

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