Aquarium Advice Addict
Hey all it is time to make a few changes my fish room and first and foremost is the re location of my salt water tank. Presently it is a 75 g Aqueon with 1 pre drilled mega over flow.. This will be getting changed to my 120 Aqueon with 2 pre drilled mega overflows. This alone requires 're confirguration ' of the sump so what the heck...Why not just build a semi new one ?
I have lots of goodies so only need a few things [ IMO ]...
I am constantly evolving * [changing my mind
] * so have no hard fast rule for how this sump needs to be or what I may want to do with in the future..
I also strongly dis like overflows /baffles that restrict the amount that can be removed from the system with out effecting the sump operation.. Be it evap or water changes I want to be able to pull water without issue.
I want to use certain things for sure in sump like protein skimmer ,Bio pellet reactor ,GFO reactor, algae turf scrubber, and a pump for water changes. The skimmer will be large and there will be 2 pumps in the sump also so I need some size.
Here is the planned equipment so far *
Berliner WD 125 sump modified slightly...
MTC HSA 1000 protein skimmer . I have this already with flow pump and an Alita 6a or 15a air pump for air through ozone generator . The skimmer has the pin wheel accessory that makes this unit a breeze to maintain. I also have 2 ozone generators so expect I will be injecting to the skimmer. This skimmer is a beast at 48 inches tall...
Aquamaxx XXL Bio pellet reactor [ in use ] BioMaxx BioPellet Reactor .
I will probably use a Phos ban large reactor for the GFO..I have my choice of reactors and honestly can't remember what the others are but there may be better in the fish attic..
I need to DIY a turf scrubber but that should be fun so ...
I'll be using a Jeboa CP 40 cross flow for circulation that I have on shelf for back up to the one in my 180..Strong gyre !
I will be using Jeboa DC pumps to run the tank and the skimmer [seperatley] thinking new 15000s. I use one now on my 180 and it is nice enough for the money..
I have 2 older jeboa dc 12000 so I may use one to save loot and it matches the skimmer pump requirements @1,100 GPH.
I may make a manifold for the reactors but haven't got that far..I have internal pumps to run more reactors then I plan using so I can be patient on this.
For lights I have 2 of the Mars Aqua 165w LEDS and several Current True Lumen Pro 48 inch 50/50 and 12k that I may use as supplemental light. I do also have 2 almost new 250 watt MH light fixtures [complete with LEDs] that if I could incorporate for a mid day burn might be interesting.. Probably over kill and not really on the board but always an option.
My water comes from my BRS 6 stage RO/dual DI unit that has a booster pump and four pre filters [redundant and all inline] that are temperature controlled at around 78f. They go 5micron/1micron catalytic carbon then 5 micron again before another 1 micron and 2 catalytic carbons [I got the chloramine deluxe unit] then passing to the two 75gpd [150 total gpd ]TFC membranes to the dual[2] color changing DI resin canisters .. I have
built in TDS meter [in and out] and have it hooked up nice.
I must be forgetting something so chime in and help !
Oh yea if this all sounds like too much for under the tank it probably is..
I will be removing the sump set up for the 75 and be placing a new Deep Blue 60 gallon frag tank in its place under my stairs ! H**l yea a 60 gallon sump with a 4' X 2' foot print.. I think I will fit everything in there I have planned so far..
The 60g tank is said to be arriving tomorrow so I am on my way to getting the new tank all ready to be plumbed through the wall to the space under the stairs...
For this I am removing a 6 outlet electric box on the stair wall and re wiring for one out let in the stand and leaving the hole for drains and returns !
Pics of before and after will be happening...
I don't do a lot with my marine tank but have had these fish I plan on moving for over 3 years . Before the fish move completely I will be cleaning up their tank and removing parts of the filter as the first section a Marineland model one sump will fit under the 75 and be enough for the time until the 120 is ready... The tank is rotten with Cyanno so I will be working on that.. Funny part is LR in sump now has none ! It looks perfect..
Mostly just trying to upgrade as much as possible to make the tank even easier and claim its space back rightfully to the FW fish room...
I have lots of goodies so only need a few things [ IMO ]...
I am constantly evolving * [changing my mind

I also strongly dis like overflows /baffles that restrict the amount that can be removed from the system with out effecting the sump operation.. Be it evap or water changes I want to be able to pull water without issue.
I want to use certain things for sure in sump like protein skimmer ,Bio pellet reactor ,GFO reactor, algae turf scrubber, and a pump for water changes. The skimmer will be large and there will be 2 pumps in the sump also so I need some size.
Here is the planned equipment so far *
Berliner WD 125 sump modified slightly...
MTC HSA 1000 protein skimmer . I have this already with flow pump and an Alita 6a or 15a air pump for air through ozone generator . The skimmer has the pin wheel accessory that makes this unit a breeze to maintain. I also have 2 ozone generators so expect I will be injecting to the skimmer. This skimmer is a beast at 48 inches tall...

Aquamaxx XXL Bio pellet reactor [ in use ] BioMaxx BioPellet Reactor .
I will probably use a Phos ban large reactor for the GFO..I have my choice of reactors and honestly can't remember what the others are but there may be better in the fish attic..
I need to DIY a turf scrubber but that should be fun so ...
I'll be using a Jeboa CP 40 cross flow for circulation that I have on shelf for back up to the one in my 180..Strong gyre !
I will be using Jeboa DC pumps to run the tank and the skimmer [seperatley] thinking new 15000s. I use one now on my 180 and it is nice enough for the money..
I have 2 older jeboa dc 12000 so I may use one to save loot and it matches the skimmer pump requirements @1,100 GPH.
I may make a manifold for the reactors but haven't got that far..I have internal pumps to run more reactors then I plan using so I can be patient on this.
For lights I have 2 of the Mars Aqua 165w LEDS and several Current True Lumen Pro 48 inch 50/50 and 12k that I may use as supplemental light. I do also have 2 almost new 250 watt MH light fixtures [complete with LEDs] that if I could incorporate for a mid day burn might be interesting.. Probably over kill and not really on the board but always an option.
My water comes from my BRS 6 stage RO/dual DI unit that has a booster pump and four pre filters [redundant and all inline] that are temperature controlled at around 78f. They go 5micron/1micron catalytic carbon then 5 micron again before another 1 micron and 2 catalytic carbons [I got the chloramine deluxe unit] then passing to the two 75gpd [150 total gpd ]TFC membranes to the dual[2] color changing DI resin canisters .. I have
built in TDS meter [in and out] and have it hooked up nice.
I must be forgetting something so chime in and help !
Oh yea if this all sounds like too much for under the tank it probably is..
I will be removing the sump set up for the 75 and be placing a new Deep Blue 60 gallon frag tank in its place under my stairs ! H**l yea a 60 gallon sump with a 4' X 2' foot print.. I think I will fit everything in there I have planned so far..
The 60g tank is said to be arriving tomorrow so I am on my way to getting the new tank all ready to be plumbed through the wall to the space under the stairs...
For this I am removing a 6 outlet electric box on the stair wall and re wiring for one out let in the stand and leaving the hole for drains and returns !
Pics of before and after will be happening...
I don't do a lot with my marine tank but have had these fish I plan on moving for over 3 years . Before the fish move completely I will be cleaning up their tank and removing parts of the filter as the first section a Marineland model one sump will fit under the 75 and be enough for the time until the 120 is ready... The tank is rotten with Cyanno so I will be working on that.. Funny part is LR in sump now has none ! It looks perfect..
Mostly just trying to upgrade as much as possible to make the tank even easier and claim its space back rightfully to the FW fish room...