added sand

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 18, 2009
hey i added aquarium sand to my cichlid tank the other day and it has been cloudy sense

how do i clear it up

also what is the best way to clean the sand
Well, if there isn't fish in there, you could do like a 90% water change to get out the stuff, or you could wait a a couple days and it will settle.

I normally use a bucket that's tipped over a little, and use the hose to push the water around. The lightest stuff will spill over the edge.
should i turn all my filters and sump off and wait for it to settle
the particles suspended in the water column probably aren't big enough to damage your filters or sump so I'd leave them on
I can't remember what its called but I remember getting a product with my eco-complete that sort of attaches to the tiny particles and helps them to settle faster. It worked great. Eco can be nasty when its kicked up but my tank was clear in less than 24 hours. After looking at a few products it seems most "water clarifiers" have similar characteristics that will do a similar thing.
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