Adding Coral and/or inverts to my FOWLR tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I have a 50 gallon tank with 30lbs of live rock that has been running for about two years no.

The tank consists of 2 clowns, a Singapore angel, a purple trigger, a valentini puffer, a cleaner shrimp and a star fish. None of the fish bigger than a few inches.

I have 2 lights, both 20W, one says Marine Glo, the other Power Glo. Im not sure the other specs of the lights.

I have a eheim canister filter and a prizm hang-on protein skimmer.

I am thinking about adding coral and maybe an anemone. I would like some advice on what is involved with adding and caring for marine coral and anemones.

I know I would have to add some powerheads, what else would I need?

What would you suggest I get started with?
You would definitely need a better lighting fixture. As Thom said, T5 or MH. Chances are the Angel isn't going to be compatible with corals though. I'm not sure about the trigger or puffer, but I doubt they are reef safe either. The tank also seems too small for that stocking. JMO.
Agree with HN1... the main thing that would have to change would most likely be your livestock. The trigger, puffer, and angel will most likely have a field day with the corals you put in. Also agree that the tank seems a little over populated.
+1 above. Definitely need more lights, T-5 or MH are popular. anemones need lots of light to survive. Most if not all sps corals need lots of light too. The higher wattage would be needed to penetrate your 50g tank.
The amount of lighting will depend on what you intend to keep guns. For a FO or FOWLR, normal output flourescent strips are just fine. Most corals and anemones require more light because they at least partially depend upon photosynthesis to stay alive.
This being my first attempt at SW, I did'nt want to make things too difficult on myself. But, what if I wanted fish, live rock, AND coral and anomones (not really a FOWLR?)? Will the light level needed for the coral and anomones overwelm me with algea?
I've read all of the other stuff about "bigger is better" when it comes to caring for SW tanks. I have a 30g tank but plan on combining it with a sump, which will add water volume. I also researched the equiptment I'm going to need (protien skimmer, powerheads, pumps, etc.) and think (?????) I have a pretty good handle on everything. Thanks for the help.
The lighting needs for corals and anemones varies. Algae shouldn't be an issue longterm if you use RODI water and have your major contributors (Nitrate & Phosphate) in check. That said.... for the first few months, you're likely to have various types come and go. My tank looked had algae of every variety early on. It seems to be part of the process of establishing it. On the advice from a club member, I left it alone and it receded on it's own and I believe the tank is better off for it. I don't like using chemicals or additives in general so I was happy to let it go naturally.
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