Adding Corals

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 29, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Do corals effect the bio load on a tank? I am asking because I just recently braved into the "Coral" side of this. I bought 2 10 dollar frags from the Reef Chief!

They are doing awesome! I want more! Should I wait to add more? I did just add a a fish recently. I should let him relax a while before throwing more stuff in there ehh?
Corals don't really add to the bio load for the most part. It's more important that your water parameters are in check before adding more corals. Not saying they are out now just letting you know.
They dont increase the bioload but certain corals can wage Chemical war with other corals. Leathers come to mind so give them plenty of room.
I agree w/melosu. some corals have stinging tentacles that come out at night.
They may sting each other to gain space, and some are adversely affected by this. So pick your locations carefully.
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