Adding first fish

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Well when you get the fish float the bag for around 10-15 minutes then add around a cup of your tank water to the bag a wait another 5 or so minutes and add a bit more of your water to the bag after about 30minutes net the new fish out of the bag and into to tank. Do not add the water from the bag into your tank, just toss that down the sink. Unless it is a shipped fish there is no hurry slow is always better.
Hello tait...

I like to turn off the lights in the tank first. Then, rinse the bag off under a little warm tap water. Ease the bag into the tank and open it. Every 5 minutes for about 30, put a tablespoon of the tank water into the bag. After 30 minutes, you can tip the bag and let the fish swim out. If a little of the bag water gets into the tank, it's nothing to fret over. You have a filtration system and a considerable amount of tank water to remove and dilute the contents of the bag that get into the tank.

I drop a little food into the tank and turn the lights back on. The fish are distracted by the food and don't pay much attention to the newcomer.

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