adding fish, whats the timeframe

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 30, 2014
I have a 90 gallon that I am currently stocking. What kind of timeframe should I have when putting fish in so that they are happy and healthy? I currently have 4 chromis that I put in 6 days ago. How fast do people stock their tank?
I'm no expert but I added 3 chromis in my new tank after it had matured for 3 months as was new and i kept an eye on all the chemicals etc and added about 3 weeks later. I've now got clowns, goby, angel and some shrimps and crabs and there all happy. I did add some pink antheas but they didn't survive but that was because they didn't want to eat so they was eaten!!!

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In a newer tank i would say add a fish or two every two weeks, on average. That gives the system time to adjust to the new bioload and for the fish to get comfortable in the new tank. :)
The only time I would say to add more than that at a time is when you are adding small schooling fish, like chromis. I added 10 a few weeks ago all at once, but my tank is established and is a 180g so there is more room for error.
I added 4 a week ago today and one was dead this morning. I have heard that these guys need to be in odd numbers. I did notice that two of them had little marks on them maybe where they brushed up against a rock or something. I wander if a big fight went down last night? It was the littlest one of the group.
I added 4 a week ago today and one was dead this morning. I have heard that these guys need to be in odd numbers. I did notice that two of them had little marks on them maybe where they brushed up against a rock or something. I wander if a big fight went down last night? It was the littlest one of the group.

That sounds to me like the dead one was getting nipped at by the others. If they have little marks on them, it's not from running into things but rather getting nipped at by the dominant ones.

This happened to me in one of my old tanks. What I've done with newer tanks is introduce the chromis together with another more dominant fish (I chose a clown in my latest tank). The chromis will keep an eye on the other bigger fish rather than jockeying to see who's the boss of the tank between themselves.

Plus, once the chromis establish a hierarchy, things should settle down.
as of today I am down to 1 which looks healthy. no marks or anything. It must have been a battle zone over the last week. So much for a schooling fish
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