Adding FW fish to tank (recommendations)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 5, 2015
We have almost fully stocked our FW 75 gallon tank. Would like recommendations for what I could add to my tank that would co-exist with existing fish. Fish we have are:
5 zebra Danios
1 smaller sized angelfish
1 Dalmatian molly
6 cory catfish
6 Bossemani rainbowfish
2 Siamese algae eaters.
We are looking for something colorful and a little size to it, doesn't matter if it is a school or not. Thanks

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I would get more danios, cories, and rainbows.


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
I agree on upping the number of rainbows, corydoras, and danios, especially the danios. They are less likely to become fin nippers if they have a good size school of their own. I would add two more angels. What color is yours? Some of the varieties are incredibly colorful.
We have almost fully stocked our FW 75 gallon tank. Would like recommendations for what I could add to my tank that would co-exist with existing fish. Fish we have are:
5 zebra Danios
1 smaller sized angelfish
1 Dalmatian molly
6 cory catfish
6 Bossemani rainbowfish
2 Siamese algae eaters.
We are looking for something colorful and a little size to it, doesn't matter if it is a school or not. Thanks

Sent from my SM-G360P using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Cories, Rainbows, and Danios are always happier in big school.

I would remove the SAE as they get territorial and don't eat algae that well.

(That might be the CAE correct me if i was wrong)

Maybe add some more Molly to finish it off, or take out they Molly and add in a Sparkling Gourami. Or a group of 5 Dwarf Gourami.

I WOULD: Add more Cory, Danio, and take out the SAE and Molly, and put in 5 Dwarf Gourami.

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I have a four inch long SAE (with another smaller one) and she is as mild in demeanor as can be, and she continues to eat algae. CAEs shouldn't be in anyone's tank in my humble opinion.
I have a four inch long SAE (with another smaller one) and she is as mild in demeanor as can be, and she continues to eat algae. CAEs shouldn't be in anyone's tank in my humble opinion.

So its CAE that are the "bad" ones? Guess i got confused... Oh well, i will try to remember that for next time.

Sent from my iPod touch using Aquarium Advice
So its CAE that are the "bad" ones? Guess i got confused... Oh well, i will try to remember that for next time.

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Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
You should add another school of rainbows, perhaps turquoise, red irian, or neon dwarf. Different rainbow species go really well together!
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