Adding More fish.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 5, 2004
San Antonio, Texas
I have 1 yellowfin damsel and a blue damsel in my 20 long. My filtration is doing a great job the LR is working well. I want to fit more damsels in there or maybe a more interesting fish. Any suggestions?
Damsels can get nasty so make sure you add a fish that is hardy. More crabs would be nice also. They do not add to the bio load....
No, Maybe, its a possibility.. :roll:
They could but if you buy some empty shells from a craft store and but them in the tank for the hermits they should leave them alone. Boil the shells for a few minutes and then toss them in.
Snails are a good thing for the tank and they need to be replaced over time.
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