adding new fish to community tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2014
Hi all! First post after being a new member.. so I have 2 tanks, a 10g non planted and a 36g bow planted tank.

I have 5 rio tetras and 4 albino cories in the 10g and the 36g has:

6 albino cories
1 blue dwarf gourami
3 male guppies
1 silver hatchet fish
2 amazon sword plants

What I need help on is wanting to move my 5 rio tetras to the 36 gallon, and moving the silver hatchet to the 10g to possibly buy more so he isnt alone anymore. My 36g was a Christmas present so its been established since then and the 10 gallon is about 3 weeks old. Any suggestions on the fish swap? My tetras seem fine and all but maybe they want to be in the 36g to have more school swimming going on. I want to keep my guppies in there since they seem to help clean up in the tank.

36g reading:
Nitrate and Nitates = 0
pH 7.3
KH 180
GH 180
I don't know for stocking options, but for sure you don't test nitrates the good way...

You must shake bottle #2 like if your life depends of it if it's a two bottle test kit. If it's a 3 bottle test kit, the shake bottle #3.

Bang it on a table, shake it, bang it, reshake it, to most you can !!!

Then you'll probably read something over 0ppm. I had this issue before I knew it.
Just get rid of the hatchet, they don't belong in a 10g, you could upgrade to a 20g.
Im using the test strips that measure those 5. Ill take it to petsmart since its free water testing
Im limited on space currently so the 10g was serving as my qt for new fish til I figured out what all to do with the 36g. Original 36g tankmates for my present was 2 dwarf gouramis - 1 died last week, 12 neon tetras - all died because too small, 3 male guppies which I love, 2 albino cories - added 4 more after tank cycled, and the stupid hatchet... I didnt buy the original fish.. all were gifted to me and surprising enough, the hatchet is still alive. Idk if I could bring myself to "get rid of it"
You should have nitrates if the tank is cycled. Do you have ammonia test strips?
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