Safe to consolidate fish tanks?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 30, 2023
Good morning!

I currently have three tanks (38 gal, 10 gal, and a 5 gal). I would like to move the female betta fish in the 10 gal to the 38 gal community tank and move the male betta in the 5 gal to the 10 gal tank.

-6 Madagascar Rainbow
-5 Neon Tetra
-like 4 assorted fish I'm not even sure. I know like 2 glofish tetras...
-2 Pleco
-2 Snails

I assume that the female betta fish is "nicer" than the male...?

One the betta is in the 10 gal tank. The list of fish are in the 38 gal tank.
The male Betta does not need a tank larger than the 5 gal and the female betta may have problems competing for food with that mix in the 38. Why do you want to move them?
Oh rats. I wanted to move from 3 tanks to 2 for better manageability and taking up less space.
Oh rats. I wanted to move from 3 tanks to 2 for better manageability and taking up less space.
Here's a suggestion:
They make dividers for fish tanks so divide the 10 gal and keep the bettas in there ( one on each side ;) ) and get rid of the 5 gal. You could also make your own divider but make sure it's opaque so that the fish can't see each other otherwise, the male will exhaust himself trying to get the female to breed with him. (y)
Would it be bad if I placed both betta in the same tank without a divider? :confused:
He's going to try to breed and then kill her?! That's messed up...
Thats exactly what he will try and do. And if he isnt ready to breed, he will just move straight to the killing bit.
Would it be bad if I placed both betta in the same tank without a divider? :confused:

What Aiken said. ;)
This is a specie of fish where the males and females need to be kept separated. Even after breeding, the males will kill the the females if they don't go away and leave him to the rearing. Get the divider. ;) (y)(y)
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