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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 31, 2012
I need something awesome !! My tank is missing something . I rehomed my African Butterfly and Pictus Cat.
I have Pleco , 15 Cory's 2 upside down catfish, and 12 or so guppies, and 3 freshwater Gudgeons. Oh and 1 male Betta
I need a Centerpiece !!!! Something awesome and friendly and beautiful
40 gallon all live plants
Fluval 406 filter
-- has to be able to hold its own - my fish go into a frenzy when they eat !!!
If it's a common pleco, re-home him too. Then add a few more upside down catfish. I wouldn't add an additional species to a 40-gallon tank that already has 6 different fish. Also, keep an eye on the betta and guppies. You may eventually see torn fins.

Just my .02.

Male bristle nose Pleco and he stays he's my boy I found a cobalt blue guppy going to buy him today and a fire red Guppie going to buy him today
@ David -- you jinksed me !!! All my guppies got beat up!! Who did it, Betta or Gobies (Gudgeons) I don't want to get rid of the wrong culprit
You have the right culprits it's probably both but the betta will be doing most damage
Crap ! I love that Betta and he was $20 !!!!! Ill try to find a new home for him. Have him in a breeder box right now - floating
Good plan give him a 2-3 days and watch the tank because I have known gobies to get nasty so its not 100%
Good luck
And think your self lucky I had 1 betta take out my community tank in 1 night after very bad advice from a pet shop in the 80s it cost me over £100 and I almost quit fish its the worst sight I ever I can still remember the bodies floating
Some bettas do okay in a community and some just don't. That's the way it is... Anything wih flowing fins and/or the same color(s) will be seen as a threat. Anything that swims at the top may also be seen as a threat.

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