advice needed for new cichlid mommy to be

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 20, 2005
i just watched my mated pair of electric blue johannes mate. it was sooooo awesome!!! now my problem is how to care for her and what to do from here until the fry are released. i have had 3 batches of fry but never even knew the parents were so called expecting until i walked by the tank and noticed the new additions. i have always left the fry in the tank and i have 1 fish of the 3 batches that survived. i need help so as many as possible can survive of this batch tia.
I would say as soon as you can find little babies, get a breeding net you can hang inside your tank if you don't have a separate tank. The net should be fine enough not to let any fry through.
If you take a breeding station (little swimming plastik boxes) the water won't exchange as well in it and your fry might die.
That's the experiences I have made trying to save lives :wink: .
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